chapter seven

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i woke up from the sound of pictures being taken. i see sam smiling as she held her phone in front of her. "sam why are you taking pictures of me?"

"you might wanna look behind you." she says and i see grayson sound asleep with his arm draped around me. our bodies close together. i let out a yawn as i try to escape from grayson grip, but it becomes tighther. "don't leave." he mutters. i smile.

"let go please. i'll make you pancakes." i say and he slowly lifts his arms from my waist. i finally get up and walk into my bathroom. i check my phone and see it's dead. i quickly run into my room and charge it.

my hands grasps my hair and i tie it into a messy bun. i begin brushing my teeth and washing my face. after drying my face i head downstairs to make breakfast.

"took you forever!" grayson whines as he lays down on the couch. i put my hand on my hip giggling. "get up!"

grayson fake cries as i laugh. i grab the nearest pillow and threw it at him. he grabs it and grabs my legs pulling me on top of him. "grayson!"

i begin to shake my head. "i need to make breakfast, plus tyson gets mad when he's hungry."

"he's like ethan! he would always get hangry." he laughs and i pull away. "ok get up, or no pancakes for you."

he finally gets up and walks into the bathroom. i made my way to the kitchen and see sam yelling tyson jokes as he whines. "i want food!"

i roll my eyes playfully. "ty, i'm making pancakes. be patient!"

he shakes his head. he jumps up and down as he cries even more. "ty! stop with this attitude."

i would never yell at tyson, but he's making me pissed off. like a kid yelling for food and jumping up and down, how is that not annoying. i give him a yogurt cup and a spoon. "spongebob is on the tv, go eat your yogurt."

he walks into the tv room as i sigh. "he's a handful." sam laughs and i nod my head. grayson walks out of the bathroom and smiles. "this is all your fault!"

"wh-what did i do?!" he replies. "ty is now hangry and giving me a headache. good thing he stopped when i gave him a yogurt cup."

grayson laughs. "uh sorry?"

i laugh and tell him it's a joke. i make a bunch of pancakes for everyone. "ty, you want your pancakes or not?"

he immediately runs into the kitchen with a huge smile. "yes please."

i smile and give him one, grayson took four, and sam and i took 2 each. "how do you eat four pancakes?! i can barley eat one."
[ sometimes i can eat two, but sometimes i can only have like one bite then be full idk ]

"skills." grayson shrugs as i laugh. we finished eating a i clean the dishes. i walk back into my room and check my phone.

nathan: hey babe.

nathan: i was wondering if you would wanna go out again?

nathan: hello?

nathan: honestly i don't have time for you to ignore me, either reply as soon as you see my text or don't.

i was kinda shocked of his last text, who does he think he is.

me: sorry, my phone was dead.

nathan: still not acceptable.

me: what is up with you!

me: my phone was dead how could i reply?!

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