chapter eight

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i didn't proof read sorry

few days later

ethan's pov

"ethan grant dolan is proven innocent, you're free to go." the judge said and everyone stands up. grayson runs up to me and tackles me into a hug. a soft chuckle leaves my mouth before i hug him back.

grayson pulls away and brings his hands up to his eyes to wipe away the tear. "i missed you bro."

"you saw me yesterday?" i raise my eyebrows as i grin. "so? i still missed you!"

"so what happens now?" grayson asked. i sigh. "you should know."

he looks down at his feet. "do you really want to take ty? i mean i get it, he's your son. but he also has his foster mom. who cares about him a lot."

my jaw clenches and i stare at grayson. "i'm getting my son back no matter what!"

after signing a couple of sheets, i was finally free to go. grayson is letting me stay at his house until i get a job and get my own. "i wanna see tyson."

"now?" grayson asked. i nod my head.

"w-well ill call malia and see if she's home." grayson said and pulls out his phone. we begin walking towards grayson's car.

"malia hi!" grayson smiles. "good good, how are you!"

grayson gasps. "no way! actually? what els-" i hit his arm. he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"yeah sure, WE would love to come over." grayson said. we as in, ethan and i."

"malia?" grayson said. "ok see you." he hung up the phone.

"god took you long enough." i scoffed. "it wasn't even that long."

"here goes nothing." i said and grayson knocks on the door. a beautiful, gorgeous, stunning women opens the door. "grayson!"

i'm here too!

grayson engulfs her in a hug and she smiles brightly. damn she has a nice smile. "malia, this is . . . ethan"

malia turns to me and i stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "hi ethan, uh nice to meet you. come in!"

she moves out of the way as grayson and i enter her lovely home. "sorry it's such a mess, tyson has been very stubborn today and not listening to me."

she picks up a few toys and blankets and i stare at her ass. i lick my chapped lips and grayson hits my arm causing me to look at him and shrug. grayson rolls his eyes and follows malia to the kitchen. as i follow behind grayson, a little boy runs down the stairs.


"mommy! the tv is not working!" tyson whines. "ty! i told you to ask me first before watching tv!"

"but i'm old enough to use the tv on my own!" he crosses his arms and begins to tear up. grayson kneels down and places his hand onto tysons back.

tysons face lits up and he throws himself into grayson, hugging him tight. "uncle grayson!"

"hey bud, how are you?" grayson asks him. "better now that you're here!"

tysons eyes move onto me and he tilts his head to the side. "why are there two uncle grayson's?"

i laugh at tysons comment and i kneel down as well. "i'm not uncle grayson, i'm actually ethan. your..."

i trail off. i don't want to say i'm his father just yet, but i don't want to lie to him either.

"tyson come upstairs with me. ethan could you come with us as well?" malia asks as he held tyson's hand. i nod my head and grayson gives me a good luck smile. i smile back and follow malia and tyson to i'm guessing tysons room.

"what's going on mom?"

malia sighs and looks up at me.

she's so beautiful.

wait why am i calling her all these names. after i take tyson away from her ill never see her face again.

"ethan is actually your uh . . . birth father." malia explains. i could tell she wishes she hadn't said that.

"my birth father? so he's my daddy?" tyson asked. i nod my head. "yeah bud. i'm your dad."

tyson looks at both of us and i gulp. i'm scared to see what he thinks of me. few seconds later his face lits up and he hugs me tightly.

"where have you been all this time?" tyson asks. "ethan has been very busy these past few years. he had to deal with something but now he's here and-"

"ready to take you home." i finish malias sentence and she looks at me shocked. she then glares at me.

"home? but home is here." tyson said. "yeah ethan home is here." malia glares at me.

i pretend to look at my invisible watch. "oh would you look at that, time to uh do laundry. bye!"

i stand up and grab grayson. "let's get out of here."

"did you tell tyson?" grayson asks as he starts the car. i nod my head.

"i just don't know if i actually wanna take him away from here. i could tell he loves malia and his home." i fiddle with my fingers.

"don't worry ethan. tyson will always be here."

"i hope so."

ahh merry christmas what?!

this year is almost over and i know i won't be posting until after the new years so here's my little thank you speech.

thank you, a lot. i'm grateful for every single one of you guys. i enjoyed reading your comments and writing for you guys. this year has been absolutely one of the best years on wattpad and i hope you guys enjoyed reading my books.

like comment and follow if you haven't.

merry christmas and i love you all 💙

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