Chapter 7

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It's amazing what you can do with half an hour, you smiled as you heard Bucky knock on your door again. Somehow you had managed to get a pizza ordered, move your record player and some albums to the rooftop, and change into a killer dress, heels, and jewelry by the time he came back. It was nearly midnight now. You grabbed a blanket and a tote bag and answered the door.

"Good evening, Sergeant Barnes," you said as you opened the door.

"Wow," he said, his eyes widening at your new look. "Wowww, you look... gorgeous." If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have believed that he could blush. He had changed into a nice pair of gray pants and a button down shirt with a lightweight leather jacket overtop. He offered his elbow for you and took the bag and blanket from you. "Where to, miss?"

"Follow me," you smiled.

"And you do look great," he said. "I hope you realize I mean it... I'm not just buttering you up. I just get... very enthusiastic."

"Okay, good," you said. You were actually thankful to hear that because you'd been wondering about the sincerity of his flirting. "So it's just that you're like a puppy then?" you teased him.

"If the leash fits," he smiled. It was hard to believe this was the same guy you first met, the one who almost seemed afraid to smile.

"So you're for real?" you asked, still not sure.

"I wouldn't kid you about this," he said, giving you a serious look as you walked up the stairs to the roof. "I promise you."

"Well, actually, it wouldn't be very smart to screw around with me now that I think of it... you'd have Steve and all my other big brothers after you. Not to mention Natasha and she might be the worst of that beating." You laughed to yourself and started to feel better about his genuine words.

"And something tells me Steve wouldn't even be on my side for that one," he laughed.

When you reached the rooftop door, you looked at him seriously. "You sure about this, Barnes?" you asked, flashing him a little smile. "I mean you and me? Once we do... this... there's no going back, it changes things between us, plus, they'll all know. You don't really know me very well..."

"I know everything I need to know," he smiled. "Granted, I haven't been on a date since 1945 but I do know what I like..." he opened the door and held it for you so you could both walk onto the roof. The skyline up close was breathtaking. Bucky turned to you and said, "You are the sweetest girl I've ever met - you were trying to take care of me right when we first met. You weren't even afraid of me. You didn't know me, you didn't have to do that - but you did. And you did it so many more times. Hell, you came to me while I was screaming and you weren't even scared."

"I was a little scared," you smiled.

"Yeah, but you came in anyway ...that makes what you did more special to me." He brushed his thumb over your jawline gently. "When I heard you playing that song, knowing that you didn't think you were good enough for someone... that tore me up. Here's this amazing, beautiful woman... so sweet... and it took everything I had in me not to come to you when I heard that song..."

You looked down, not knowing how to look into his eyes after he'd just said that.

"I didn't know," you said, tearing up a little.

"I don't want to see you cry, doll," he said, looking sad.

You sniffed a little, "It's a good cry." Your words breezed into a little laugh as your eyes met his again. Your hands found their way around his waist and you rested your head on his chest. It was something like heaven in that moment. "Buck, why don't you pick out some dinner music?" you said, motioning to the record player. "I'll get us set up here. Dinner will be served momentarily."

These Arms of Mine (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now