Chapter 18

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"Jack? Where are you? I fell asleep on the couch, did you move me? Or did I walk myself up here? Is anyone even here?" I get up and half-asleep walk around the house. I find no one around the house, so I go to the fridge to find something to eat. There's a note in the fridge.

Elle, Alex and I went to run some errands, I love you, be home soon xoxo. -Jack.

Well at least he left a note this time. I sigh and finish pulling out the ingredients for my breakfast. I find a small skillet, and start frying me some bacon. I then mix in some eggs, peppers, and tomatoes. I put all the ingredients on a small tortilla, making it a breakfast burrito. I watch Netflix while eating my burrito. I watch about 4 and a half episodes of Doctor Who, when I hear the front door open and close. I pause my show and walk downstairs to find Jack and Alex in the kitchen, still talking about whatever they talk about. I clear my throat to acknowledge my presence, they both look over at me. "Hey Reyan! Did you get Jack's note? It was interesting to watch him put it in the fridge." Alex says.

"Well I wanted to make sure she saw it. Where does every one go first? The fridge Alex, the fridge. And good morning lovely. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes Alex I got the note. And I slept quite well Jack. How late were you guys up?"

"Umm like another two hours after you passed out, we carried you up right before Alex left." Jack says.

"Oh, I was wondering how I got to your bed." I chuckle. "So what's up with you two all of a sudden? I know you're best friends and all but, you have been spending a lot of time with each other lately. You even go to the bathroom together, that's not what normal best friends do. At least not girls."

"It's been about this secret that you aren't involved in. I'm sorry, but you still can't know about it." Alex says, dramatically holding his hand over his heart with a pout face. He even wipes a fake tear.

"You're so dramatic Alex. I think you're secretly a girl but won't admit to it." My eyes widen "Is that the secret you've been keeping from me? I figured it out didn't I?" I start laughing at my over-eagerness.

"Oh no Jack, she figured it out. I'm secretly a girl. But, I'm also a guy. Sh*t I'm a hermaphrodite." Alex hangs his head trying to fake cry, but was obviously still laughing. Jack starts laughing too, and I start laughing even harder than before. 

"So... what... are... we... doing... today?" I say between laughs.

"Well... we obviously... need... to get... myself... checked out." Alex says still laughing. Jack collapses on the floor from laughing so hard, causing me and Alex to fall laughing too. When we finally finish laughing Alex clears up that him being a girl wasn't the secret, nor was he a girl, or hermaphrodite. Jack walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. He hugs me for what seems like forever, then pulls away.

"What was that for Jack?" I question.

"I just really love you. No matter what happens." I aww as I feel my cheeks heat up. I look down so Jack doesn't see me blushing. "You're even cuter when you blush" He says lifting my chin up with his hand. He kisses me very deeply, not like he wanted some, yet still passionate nonetheless. We pull away after hearing Alex gag. Jack and I both giggle at his reaction.

"So before you two do anything else, want to drive to the docks? It's nice outside, and we can just walk around there. Or even just walk around downtown. We can go to Fells Point, its nice over there." Alex suggests

"That sounds nice, going for a walk." I say.

"Yeah, we can go to Fells Point." Jack says grabbing the keys to my car. "We can take Elle's car down there. Save Alex some gas money." We proceed to my car and this time Alex sits in the back since it was my car. We drive to wherever the guys were talking about. We park the car along the sidewalk and get out. There's a little park thing in front of us, Alex was right it is nice here. I can see the harbor a small ways down the road. We walk down Thames Street for a little while looking at the various shops along the road, Jack holding my hand the entire time. When we turn around and walk back, we browse around a few shops. Once we get back to the little park thing, I notice we were on the corner of Thames and South Broadway; we were six feet under the stars.

"Alex, isn't this six feet under the stars?" I ask turning to look at him.

"Yeah, it is isn't it." He says looking around. "I love this place."

"It is beautiful, just like you." Jack says turning to look at me, still holding my hand. "It's even prettier at nite, when everything is lit up." I smile at him.

"Well I'd love to see it sometime. If it's that pretty." I say, pecking my lips on Jack's cheek. We drive back to Jack's house, spending the rest of the day watching Netflix. Once it get's dark outside, Jack tells me to go put something dressy on. I question his motives, but do as he says anyway. I find a purple tea length dress with a ribboned back, luckily I was talented enough to tie up the back myself. I go into the bathroom to fix my hair; I simply flat iron it with a small flip at the bottom. I put on natural make-up and walk out to the living room, where Jack has dissapeared from. I sit down on the couch and scroll through my twitter I haven't checked in weeks. I have about a hundred new followers, and about 1000 mentions. Most of them say congratulations, and such like that, but some said things like 'lay off my man' and 'I will kill you for him'. What's going on? I check Jack's twitter, his bio changed from 'Stage right of All Time Low' to 'Hopelessly in love with @AllTimeReyan', that explains all the hate, I can't believe he didn't tell me though, he must've forgotten. I change my bio to 'In love with the coolest dude ever @JackAllTimeLow'. I hear him walk down the hallway to the living room, I stand up and meet him halfway. He looks over me while I him. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a blue button up shirt with his leather jacket over it.

"You look absolutely beautiful Elle." Jack says his mouth dropped.

"You look absolutely beautiful too Jack." We both laugh. "But, really you look amazing. And I saw what you put on Twitter. That's the sweetest thing."

"You mean my bio thing? I changed that a week or two ago. Has it really been that long since you've been on Twitter."

"Yes, Jack I've been too caught up in the fact that you think I'm pretty, let alone dating me, to check my social media."

"Well, all social media neglecting aside, lets go." He says pulling me out to the car. We drive to what Jack said was Little Italy and have dinner in a gorgeous restaurant that was not your everyday little cafe. He then drives us down to Fells Point again. He was right, it was absolutely gorgeous at nite when everything was lit up. He walks me around a little until we reach the corner of Thames and South Broadway, when we stop under the lamppost/ street sign. Jack looks over at me and kisses me. We stand there for a few minutes looking out over the harbor at the buildings across it, before Jack turns back to me. "Elle, I know I've only known you for a few weeks now, but it's enough to know. I know that I love you, and will always love you. I never get tired of being around you. Every time I kiss you, it still feels like the first time I kissed you outside the bus that one day. I don't deserve anyone as amazing as you. I love you Elle, always remember I love you" He gets down on one knee and pulls out a little black box and opening it revealing a small ring. I start crying. "Brielle Lexis Reyan, would you do me the unbelievable honor of becoming my partner in crime, I mean life." He chuckles a little bit. "It would mean everything to me, if you would marry me."

BAM cliff hanger. Do you think she'll say yes, or will she say no? Find out whenever I upload the next chapter. I tried not to cry myself writing this chapter. Anyways leave suggestions in my inbox, because my comments don't work. You can vote on this chapter if you want, tell your friends only if you have friends though, because I know some people don't. So, I love you all, I'm Brittney and this is my colourless life. <3

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