Chapter 23

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F*ck I just kissed Dalton, and Jack walked in. This is Alex all over again. But I love Jack. I'm going to marry Jack, not leave him, it would ruin him. But Dalton, he's just NO Jack is the one you need to be with. You can't ruin another relationship because you kissed someone else. Besides Dalton kissed you, just explain that to Jack, he should understand...right?

"Elle, love, what's wrong? You've been staring at the bag for a while now. Do you need to go to the hospital? Elle?" I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of Jacks voice cutting through the silence.

"No, I'm fine. But, I need to talk to you Jack. It's pretty important. But not so important that we need to discuss it right now."

"Okay, we can talk when we finish writing with Bralton. Alex is doing most of the brainstorming on the All Time Low part, but I want to help some. He's skyping us, though, but you can help too! Dalton obviously wouldn't mind." He smiles and walks upstairs to the bands rehearsal room. I follow behind him shortly after, lost in thought. I get in the room, sitting there is Brady, Clayton, Jack, and of course Dalton, all four have paper and pens to write ideas down. I see the MacBook on one side of the room, with Alex's face broadcasted on it. I sit down and join the guys, who start writing, asking me of my opinion occasionally. Once we have a basic outline, Dalton runs the song the best he could. We all realize its missing something vocally. I hum the chorus again trying to figure it out. Dalton looks over at me the imaginary light bulb going off in his head.

"Sing the chorus Elle. With me though." We proceed to sing the chorus as a duet. All the guys awe at how perfect the part fit my voice and vice versa. "Elle, that was amazing! Can we steal you when we go to the studio? Your vocals are perfect for this song."

"I'd love to. As long as you guys think it's good."

"Good? It's more than good Elle! It's absolutely amazing!" Jack exclaims.

"Like I said, perfect!" Dalton jumps up and kisses me again. When he pulls away I have a shocked look frozen on my face. I don't move as the room goes dead silent. Jack storms out. Dalton leaves as well, Brady chasing him down. Clayton sits me down.

"Sorry, Dalton just gets excited sometimes. He probably didn't mean anything by it."

"No, he did mean something. Before he came up here earlier, he kissed me in the basement."

"Does Jack know this?"

"No, I was going to tell him after this, but then that happened. I just want one relationship of mine to go well. I'm going to marry Jack, but because of Dalton, things are complicated." I bury my face in my hands "I just don't know what to do anymore." Clayton rubs circles on my back.

"You know what? I'm going to go find Dalton and straighten things out. We will explain everything to Jack, everything will be okay. Okay?" I nod.

"Can you bring the laptop over here please? I need someone to talk to." Clayton brings it to me, Alex was still connected, but not in the room his computer was. A few seconds later Alex reappears on screen, probably to log off. "Alex, I need to talk to you."

"Well, I was gonna call Jack, but I can talk for a little bit."

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk about."

"Okay, he can wait then. Talk to me sweetie."

"So, that wasn't the first time Dalton kissed me. He kissed me earlier in the basement, while Jack was in the shower. I was going to tell him after the writing session, but that happened. I love Jack, I really do, but everyone else is making this difficult for us. I don't think anyone told Dalton about us being engaged yet. Alex, please help me, you know Jack better than anyone."

"Well, I know you need to talk to him. Tell him the truth, every last bit of it, he respects the truth more than a lie to make him feel better. Just talk and he'll listen. If you truly love him, and he truly loves you, he will forgive you. But, you may need to find him first. That would really help" I laugh a little.

"Alex, how is it that you can make me laugh about anything, at anytime? You're like the brother I wish I had. Well, when I marry Jack, you technically will be. Even though you and Jack aren't blood brothers."

"Yeah, Jack and I are like brothers aren't we? And thanks, I would love to be your brother." We talk for a little longer, me eventually migrating to the basement, still talking to Alex. I fall asleep still talking to him, because Jack didn't come back, at least while I was awake. I wake up on the couch with the laptop still on my lap and Jack curled up on the floor next to the couch. I close the laptop and jump over Jack on the floor, making my way to Brady's room to return his MacBook.

"Here Brady, I kinda took it last nite while talking to Alex."

"Thanks Elle. Oh, and Dalton needs to talk to you, whenever you can." He smiles.

"Okay, I'll talk to him after I talk to Jack. Who needs to wake up already." Brady looks behind me and nods his head.

"He's awake, and right behind you." He says as a pair of hands wrap around me.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" Jack says, sadly no morning voice right now.

"Yeah, can we go somewhere private?" Jack nods and we walk to the basement, Brady said he'd make sure no one came down. "So, last nite."

"Yeah, what Dalton did was unacceptable. I talked to him, he said he got over excited, and didn't realize what he did. I forgive him."

"No, he did know what he did. He also kissed me while you were in the shower. I may have kissed him back then, though. But, you walked in and we lied to you. I'm sorry Jack." I look down, afraid to see how much I hurt him.

"So he kissed you first, then you returned the favor?"

"Yes, I was going to tell you after we finished writing, but you stormed out and I didn't see you until this morning."

"You did the exact same thing to Alex with me."

"It won't happen again that way. Unless you want it to."

"No, I want you. No I need you."

"I need you too Jack. Please don't leave me. It was a stupid mistake." I feel a tear fall down my cheek. Jack wipes it away with his finger.

"Don't cry. Look can you promise you meant nothing by it, and that you won't do it again?" I nod, too afraid to speak out of fear of my voice breaking. Jack kisses me, me kissing back. I've never loved someone so much in my life. Wait, I've never loved anyone besides Jordyn, and that wasn't real. At least not to him. Anyways, now that I'm cleared up with Jack, I can talk to Dalton now. Explain everything to him. I walk back upstairs and run into him outside Brady's room.

New chapter, threw a curve ball in there. But, it's not over, yet. By the way, on a completely unrelated side note, THERE'S A NEW MLIC! and another completely unrelated topic, I recently found a new band, I like them, almost as much as LNR and ATL. They're called Amasic, they're Canadian, and they are in the sidebar over there >

Anyways, I love you all, I'm Brittney, and this is my colourless life.


I haven't been able to upload lately because my new computer doesn't have wifi yet and it won't work. my phone is an *sshole and makes uploading difficult. I have the chapter almost finished, just some editing and such. just bear with me. ♥

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