Chapter 37

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I wait at the airport with Alex, Jack, and Zack while their flight was delayed. Alex was sprawled across mine and Jack's laps, and Zack was passed out on the floor. Before we left my house, Alex had promised Dare and I would be on the next tour. The flight attendant calls over the speaker announcing the plane had just landed, and would be boarding soon. Alex sits up and hugs me, saying he's gonna miss me, and all the other feely feels. Jack kisses my cheek as he pulls me into a hug. Zack rolls over and puts his arms up like he wants a hug. I lean down and hug him after he sits up a little. He pulls me down on the floor with him and continues to hug me, Jack and Alex get down and hug me too. I feel the tears running down my face as I embrace my favorite people in the world.

5 months later

"Hey Elle, we have something to tell you." Lollie and Dare walk up to me hand in hand the day after the guys leave.

"I know we've basically been pretty obvious about it, but we're officially together now." Lollie beams.

"Oh my Ryan Ross, that's so cute. I'm so happy for you both." I hug them both. "We're going out to dinner to celebrate. Actually I had planned on going out tonite anyways, but now I have a reason beyond I don't want to cook tonite." 

"Sweet, can we go to Olive Garden? I love pasta so much, and I'm massively craving it now." Dare asks.

"Sure, why not?" I answer. We go out to eat, and walk around town for a little while, when I get home, I get a call from Jack on Skype. I answer it, and Jack's excited looking face pops up on my laptop screen.

"So, boo, I have exciting news for you, and us." He gestures around the room and Zack and Alex appear from behind.

"We have a tour in talks with Hopeless... and they want us to tour after our album drops, but the catch is...." He pauses.

"Spit it out Gaskarth." I yell at the laptop.

"They don't want a US tour, they were talking about a world tour with another band. It won't be Late Nite Reading though, but I'm thinking like We Are The In Crowd, and maybe someone else. Are you as excited as we are?" My jaw drops and I'm left speechless, the whole world, hearing my voice.

"Holy f*cking sh*t guys, are you serious?" They nod. "Does Rian know? Or am I just last to know?"

"Rian was in the video conference with us, but you aren't the last to know. The hustlers don't even know we finished the album yet, let alone that we're going on a world tour." Jack says.

"Oh yeah, the hustlers. They're always the last to know though, so it doesn't count." I joke. "All jokes aside, I can't wait to tour the world with you losers."

"Hey, I am not a loser. If anything you're a loser." Alex defends. 

"Oh, did Lollie tell you about her and Dare?" I ask, remembering their news.

"No, what did they almost die?" Zack says.

"No, they're officially together now. We just got back from a celebratory dinner."

"I f*cking knew it. Zachary Steven Merrick, you owe me 20 bucks." Alex almost yells.

"F*cking h*ll, you British loser, stop beating me in these bets." Zack pouts away.

"Fifth one this week. I'm on a f*cking roll." Alex does his victory pelvic thrusts behind Jack. Causing Jack to giggle like a little school girl.

"Okay, we've gotta go now, we have meetings all day tomorrow to actually plan the tour and the album drop." Jack waves bye.

"What the f*ck is left to plan?"

"We're solidifying the tour dates, and creating backup plans in case venues are unavailable on certain days. It's just mandatory band things." Alex explains before waving goodbye too. I wave back and end the call.

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