Chapter 19

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I know everyone wanted to see what she says, but instead I'm going to fill you in on Jacks POV before this. I was driving home thinking about it and wondered what Jack was thinking the whole time and what he was doing while he was gone. Then I remembered that I wrote this story and can write in what Jack thinks and does. So yeah... Jacks POV

We were leaving for Baltimore right after I finish putting our bags in the car. I have a plan for when we're in Baltimore, but I can't let Elle know. I open the trunk, throw the bags in the trunk, and walk back in the house. "We ready?" I ask her.

"Yes, we need to go by Lollie's house first though, I need to tell her something, and I don't trust that she will get it if I just text her." I nod, and walk her out to the car. Elle gets in the drivers side so she can drive to her parents house. I'm not gonna lie, I was incredibly nervous. I fell asleep soon after we leave town. I wake up to Elle nudging me in the car. I stretch until I'm mostly awake. Elle grabs my arm, pulls me to the house, and knocks. A woman I assume is her mom answers the door and hugs her.

"I haven't seen you in forever darling, how have you been?" The woman says

"I've been great mom. This is Jack, I met him at the concert a few weeks ago." Elle gestures to me.

"Well hello Jack" she pulls me in for a hug. "It's nice to meet you, in case Ella didn't tell you I'm her mom, and dads in the living room, watching football." Elle walks into the living room and sits down on the arm of someones chair.

"So who's playing? And who's winning?" She says her eyes fixated on the screen.

"Ravens versus the Steelers. Steelers are winning." The man in the chair looks over at me.

"Oh, the Ravens you say? I love the Ravens. I'm a Baltimore fan all the way." I say with pride.

"I prefer the Steelers, but the Ravens are a pretty good team too... Wait who are you and how did you get in my house?"

"Dad, that's Jack I told you I was bringing him when I came to visit." Elle explains.

"Oh, well once this game ends we can go out for lunch. Where do you want to go Ella?" Her dad asks.

"I like that one cafe, down on main." She says. Her dad agrees, then turns his attention back to the game. 30 minutes later, the game is over, and the Ravens won 42-36. I do Alex and I's victory dance. Then my phone rings.

"Sh*t that's Alex, pardon my language, but I gotta take it." I walk out onto the front porch. "Alex what is it?"

"Dude the Ravens won!"

"I know dude I was just watching it!"

"Did you see that one play? It was f*cking awesome!"

"I totally did! I saw everything!"

"But on a serious note, are you really going to ask her when you come here?"

I hush my voice so no one overhears my conversation. "Yeah dude. I got butterfly's thinking about it. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow when we get there."

"Ok bye dude. Impress her parents."

"Bye Alex." I smile even though I know he won't see it. I walk back into the living room. "Alex watched the game too. Then he wanted to know about when we'd be there. I told him we would be there late tomorrow. So... how about lunch now?" I smile. Elle's mom decided we should take our car to lunch so we can leave directly after to be honest I didn't care. Once we get to the cafe we take our seats and order our food."So, Ella, how did you and Jack meet?" Her dad asks

"He was at the concert I went to a few weeks ago." She replies

"You got a girlfriend, son?" He looks at me.

"Actually, dad" Elle chimes in saving me, "that's why he's here. I wanted you to meet him in person, so you don't judge him first. Jack and I are together, and have been since the concert."

"Listen here, son, and listen good. If you ever hurt my daughter, I will personally find you, and rip your manhood off faster than you can say oops." That sounded painful.

"Don't worry sir, I would never hurt your daughter. I love her, more than anything in the world. And there would only be one other girl I could ever love."

"Who's this one other girl?" Elle looks over at me with concern.

"That would be our future daughter. If you want to of course." I answer.

"Jack, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Not even Jordyn ever said that. And we know perfectly well how he was about me."

"Aww, honey that's the cutest thing ever, our daughters in love. And not with some psychopath like last time." Her mom speaks up. "I want a picture of you two together. Now, where's my phone?" She pulls out her phone and holds it up at us. I pull Elle close to me and we smile. She takes the picture. "Now that's cute. Honey look how cute they are." She shows the picture to Elle's dad. He grumbles and shakes my hand. We finish lunch and walk back out to the cars. While Elle was talking to her mom, I pull her father off to the side.

"Sir, I know you just met me, but I want to ask for your blessing. If it's not to much to ask for."

"Son, I know you mean well, but you only just met this girl."

"I know it's only been a few weeks, but a few weeks is long enough to know I love her more than anything. I would even give up being in my band for her. If you don't though, I understand. I just wanted your blessing, but I'll wait until you want us to wait."

"I see you do really love her. I give you my blessing Jack. Now do not ever hurt my daughter." He hugs me before I get back in our car, me driving us to Baltimore now.


It's our first nite in Baltimore, Elle and I just got here and Alex wants to go out clubbing. We go to the club that Alex suggests, it was put in while we were on tour. Luckily when we got there, since the bouncer knew our band we got in without being carded, good thing because doesn't have an id. We get in we sit down at a table by the bar, Alex goes and gets us some drinks. We all drink quite a bit before Elle drags me onto the dance floor. She dances with me, I can tell she's a little tipsy already. She looked like she was haveing fun though, so I didn't stop her. When the music started to die down a little she pulled me back to the table, ordering another round of drinks. She ends up sh*t faced drunk by the end of the nite, bouncing back and forth between the dance floor and the table. Alex finally notices Elle and decides we should go home before anything happens with her. We slowly walk her out to the taxi, careful not to drop her. We head back to Alex's house because I needed to talk to him about this proposal thing. We walk Elle upstairs into Alex's bed so she can sleep, her falling asleep almost instantly. I walk back to Alex's kitchen sitting down next to him. "So, when you gonna pop the question?" He asks.

"I don't know yet. I'm really worried because we haven't been together that long. What if she says no? What do I do then? I can't live without her."

"Dude, calm down, she loves you just as much as you love her. I can tell by the way she looks at you. I've never seen any couple look at each other the way you two do."

"You sure? You know what, you are right. I could tell by the way she was talking to me yesterday. She finally knows she's loved. She had never known that before."

"That's deep dude."

"Thanks for helping me realize it Alex, you're the greatest friend I've ever had." I yawn. "I might as well go to sleep. Mind if we stay here tonite? Its easier than calling a cab, and waking Elle up. If you want I can give you the keys to my house and you could stay there."

"No, you guys can have the bed, I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Are you sure Alex? I don't want to intrude."

"No, it's okay. Go to her." I smile before walking upstairs to Alex's room, climbing into the bed with Elle. I kiss her on her forehead before laying down. She moves to place her head on my chest, whispering something about love. I smile at how adorable she is and soon fall asleep too.

So I was hoping to get all the way through in this chapter, but I couldn't fit it all in, so this will be two chapters I will publish at the same time. Then when I get back to the present time, I will finish the cliffhanger I left you guys with. :) I'm Brittney and this is my colourless life. <3

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