Chapter 39

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Jack wakes me up early because we have a long day at the Glamour Kills headquarters. I put myself together the best I could, knowing I would probably be in the interview with the band. Alex knocks on the door screaming something about us 'needing to contain our lust long enough to function in society'. Jack opens the door and glares at Alex, causing the brunette to laugh. I grab my purse and walk out to the bus, ignoring the two little kids that call themselves adults. Jack and Alex soon make it to our bus still laughing over something as they walk on. We're driven to the GK headquarters and check ourselves in. We're led down the hallway to the green room where one of the interns would call us for the interview. We sit in the room for a while before an intern calls us out. We're taken to another room with a few cameras set up around a large couch. Sitting in a chair next to the couch was a guy that Alex informs me is named Mark. We sit down and Mark explains what the interview is over and the cameras start recording us. He asks us the basic questions about the new album and the tour. We finish the interview and move to the stage set up for our performance. The instruments were already set up for us when we got there; courtesy of Danny and Flyzik. We play a few old songs as well as two new ones. Once we tear down the stage setup, we leave to go back to the hotel for the nite. Jack decided to just stay in my room for the last nite since his stuff was already in my room. Because it was only like 7 Jack and Alex had the idea to go to a club, somehow getting me to agree to go. I dig through my clothes looking for something 'club appropriate', finding nothing I ask Dare if she had anything. Luckily she had a cocktail dress that she packed just in case. I slip into it and let her fix my hair, marveling at how hot she made me look. I get into the cab with the two idiots and Flyzik, we make our way to somewhere called Element. Alex working his charm gets me inside without them checking my ID.  Once inside, Jack immediately makes his way to the bar. Alex drags me to the dance floor against my will, I never know why I agree to anything Alex asks me to do. Jack walks over and pulls me and Alex to the bar where he hands both of us a shot of what looked like tequila. We down them and for some reason I end up dancing with Alex again. Soon after Jack joins us and eventually Alex leaves leaving Jack and I alone... sort of. Once Alex and Jack give up dancing and drinking, we find Flyzik and wait for Jack and Alex to stumble to the cab. They both pass out on my bed so I just sleep in the other bed, not wanting to wake the other two.

We make it back to Baltimore about 3 in the afternoon, mostly because Jack wouldn't wake up until 11 and then wanted to stop for food before we left. He just follows us to Alex's house because he couldn't find his keys in his bag. Jack and I stay at Alex's house while Dare stays with Rian and Zack. The next morning we wake up and Jack finally finds his keys and takes me back to his house. I sprawl out on his couch, leaving him to sit alone on the recliner. He puts on Nightmare Before Christmas and makes himself popcorn. Once the movie finished, Jack offers to take me out for lunch. I agree and he ends up just taking me to Chik-Fil-A. Other than our lunch date, Jack and I never left the house. Finally the day came when we were driving to New York and flying to Seattle. I drag myself out of Jack's bed, leaning over him to silence the alarm first. I silently walk out of the room and take a shower, being greeted by Jacks hug as I step out.

"Its alive? I never thought I'd see the day that Jackary Barakat wakes up by himself."

"My names not Jackary." He mumbles and shuffles into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Is he honestly so tired he actually shut the door? An hour later, Alex shows up at the house hoping Jack would've been ready.

"Did you really think Jack would've been awake early enough to wake up, put clothes on, and do his hair. He's about halfway there fyi." I say as Alex silently walks to the bathroom and tackles Jack.

"Jack, babe we need to leave. You can do your hair tomorrow when people who care will see you." Alex yells.

"People will see me though. I can't have total strangers seeing me with flat hair." Jack whines.

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