Chapter 27

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It was a few hours later, Jordyn and Dalton both left from what Jack was saying. I still felt horrible, like I wanted to cry but I don't have any more tears left to cry. Jack was sitting across the room, giving me space to cry. Suddenly I had the urge to puke, I quickly run to the bathroom. Jack comes in after me, a very concerned look on his face. He suggested taking me to the hospital, but I kept denying his pleads. He eventually gave up and laid with me on the bed. He quickly fell asleep, but I couldn't sleep at all. This Jordyn and Dalton thing was eating away at my insides. I'm probably the sh*ttiest fiancé ever. Finally after a long night of getting almost no sleep, the sun starts to rise, so I get up. I feel sick again, so I run to the bathroom... again. This time I drink some pepto bismol and hope I won't get sick again. Jack comes in and hugs me. "Please can we at least go to the doctor? I just want to make sure you aren't too sick." He gives me the puppy dog eyes and I cave.

"Fine, just so you'll shut up. But you're coming with me." He nods and smiles. He was so cute.

We get in the doctors office and they had done the basic routine and we were waiting for the doctor to talk about why I was here. "Doctors offices are creepy. Like really creepy."

"Its okay Jack Jack I'm here with you. Even though its supposed to be the other way around." I kiss him right as the doctor walks in.

"So what's wrong?" She asks.

"Well, I've been sick to my stomach since last nite, and Jack here was worried about me."

"Are you two sexually active?"

"Yeah, why am I pregnant? Oh my god I couldn't handle a child, Jack probably couldn't either."

"Relax, we don't know yet, that's just something we need to check, you could just be stressed too much. So next question, is there stress at home?"

"Yeah, ex-boyfriend can't get over me even though I'm engaged. And finals, and I don't know about college yet, or what I wanna do with my life. You know typical senior drama."

"Ah, still in school. Is he yours? He looks a little old for you."

"I'm 18 almost 19, he's only 26 its not that big of an age gap. Besides mentally he's like 12. He just hasn't shaved lately."

"Oh, he looks much older, but who am I to judge. I'll go send in your stuff for testing, and I will be back." She smiles and walks out of the room.

"Could she get any more up in our love life. 'He looks a little old for you.' B*tch I am not some creepy pedo guy, I am a lazy rockstar, that's what I am." I laugh at Jacks little outburst and calm him down. I get off the little bed table thing and straddle Jack in his chair.

"Hey Jack Jack," I lean my head against his shoulder and bury my face in his neck "if I'm not pregnant, can we go home and f*ck? I think it would help relive the stress." I look up at him and place my lips to his. I part my lips and bite his, asking for entry. He grants it and we basically mouth f*ck until the door opens I quickly pull away and flip myself so I'm sitting next to Jack.

"So, test came back, you're not pregnant but you do have mild food poisoning, just drink lots of fluids and don't work yourself too much. No extended periods of physical activity, okay? Sign here and you can leave." I do as she says and Jack and I leave.

We get in the car and Jack leans over and whispers in my ear, "God I love when you call me Jack Jack and then mouth f*ck me. Its so f*cking hot." He quickly drives us home and drags me to the bed. He starts removing my clothes and then quickly removes his, the massive bulge in his pants since we walked in the house was now exposed. He thrusts into me as fast as he could get his pants off, me moaning in pleasure.

"I know it was only the day before yesterday but I really missed you inside me. It took me everything I had not to just f*ck you in the doctors office."

"Believe me, I was right there with you. It was hard holding myself until we got here."

"Jack Jack I need you inside me, I can't wait every time. It'll probably be at the f*cking grocery store next time, and we will have to go hide in the family bathroom."

"Oh, I'll f*ck you in the grocery store. Just tell me." He begins to thrust harder and faster, slowly increasing in tempo before finishing inside me. I then climax after him, both of us falling limp across the bed. "I love you Elle." He flips over and starts tracing patterns on my stomach.

"I love you too Jack."

"So what do we do now? Its only noon." Jack quietly asks.

"Just lay here with me." I look over at him and smile. He smiles his goofy grin, then he suddenly stops smiling.

"When we were at the doctors why were you freaking out so bad about possibly being pregnant? Aside from the normal reasons."

"Well, I'm still technically in high school. I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't think I'll have the time to worry about someone else who depends entirely on me. And you being in the band, and touring wouldn't help much. It would just be too big of a burden right now. Maybe when we settle down more, once we're married, and I have more than one friend, we can have kids. If you want to though."

"So its not me its for us that you were worrying about. And I already told you, I wouldn't mind kids. Your parents even heard me. I like the thought of little Jacks running around."

"Little Jacks sound terrifying. Big Jack is already enough to handle." He laughs and pulls my face to his. "So about that dinner you were supposed to cook me."

"I'll make it tonite if its okay that its 24 hours late."

"It'll be perfect no matter when you make it."

"Good, because you don't have much of a choice." Jack's phone begins to ring, ruining our little moment. He flips over and picks up his phone before returning to his previous position next to me. He answers it, sounding slightly annoyed. "What do you want Alex..... Why would you think that....... Alex she isn't good enough for you...... Well its not my fault she keeps leaving your a*s...... Get over it or go to Zacks house...... I can't help you this time....... Alex just man up and grow a pair...... you are worse than a pubescent teen girl...... fine..... bye Ally Boo." He ends the call on his phone and looks at me. "Lisa broke up with Alex again and he got kicked out of his house. Zack can't comfort him right now because he's out of town, so he'll be here tomorrow morning."

"Ugh now I have to deal with both of you. God I'm going to go nuts." I sarcastically remark.


Alex was at our house early yesterday morning so Dalton and Jordyn had invited themselves back over. It was about noon on a Wednesday so I couldn't escape to Lollies house. I was hidden away in my bedroom doing 'schoolwork' when really I was just d*cking about on my laptop, Jack is hanging out with Alex downstairs; Dalton and Jordyn forcing their way into the conversation randomly. Eventually Dalton left to go back to Lollies house (where he was staying since I kinda kicked him out) after Dalton was gone there was some quietness, then all at once a lot of screaming. I definitely heard something hit the wall and something else break before stomping up the stairs. My door opens and there Jack stood p*ssed off. "When were you gonna tell me that Dalton was your f*ck buddy? I obviously can't trust you Elle, because you can't commit to any relationship. I thought we were different. F*ck it I'm moving back to Baltimore. I'll be back later tonite for my things. Goodbye Elle." And with that he was gone, tears started streaming down my face. I was alone once again.

Ahhh he found out about Delle (Dalton/Elle). What's gonna happen next? Honestly I don't even know, but we can find out together.

Side note: I'm absolutely in love with Set It Off right now. Not as much in love as I am with ATL/LNR.

I'm Brittney and this is my colourless life.

The Problem with ATLNR (ATL, LNR fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora