Chapter 21

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"Yes, Jack. I will." I say with tears streaming down my face. He stands back up, and puts the ring on my finger. He kisses me, and right then the rest of ATL and some of the crew came out from behind a nearby building.

"Jack, we got that on film, so you can show your children, and creep them out." Alex yells. Some random people who were walking by look at like he was on drugs.

"Wait, you guys, this was the surprise? The same one that everyone except me was in on." Jack nods and pulls me into him, holding me there in his arms until the guys calm down. We head back to Jack's house and drink for a while, celebrating for Jack and I. Once everyone leaves, Jack and I lay down on his bed. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his steady breathing.

"Elle, you do realize how much I love you right?" I feel the words vibrate through his chest as he says them. I look up into his brown eyes searching for some hint of what he was talking about. I realize I was basically stalling and nod. "I wasn't making anything up earlier. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you. I probably would have been the band whore forever." I lay my head down on his chest again.

"You aren't the band whore Jack... ok maybe you were. But it's different when you fall in love. Everything changes." I look back into his eyes "I really do love you too Jack. I probably would've gone back to Jordyn and been bored with my life. Hating that I never made a move at the concert." I lean up to kiss Jack before laying back down. I fall asleep still cuddled with Jack.

I wake up curled up into Jack's side with him softly snoring. I sit up and look down at my hand, noticing the ring Jack gave me last nite. So it wasn't a dream, I really was engaged to Jack. I quickly check my phone, no new texts but I had at least 30 notifications from Twitter. I read through them, some more hate comments and Lollie commenting on Jack and I's bios. I send Lollie a text telling her to call me later. I get up and take a shower. When I get out Jack was awake, he wraps his arms around me. "Morning love." Gah his morning voice gets me every time.

"Morning Jack Jack." He laughs into my hair. "So last nite wasn't a figment of my imagination? I am the future Mrs Jack Barakat."

"Yes, Mrs Jack Barakat, last nite happened." I tell Jack to get dressed so we could meet his parents. He reluctantly agrees and sulks away. He is so adorable. Once he comes back to the room, he grabs his keys and walks to his car, me following. I can't believe I'm meeting Jack's parents, I'm so nervous. He pulls up to an average house on a street and parks against the curb. He gets out and opens my door for me, grabbing my hand to help me out.

"So, Jack, what if they don't like me? Do they know about us? Do they know about last nite? Jack, I'm really nervous, what if they don't like me?"

He chuckles. "They will love you. Stop worrying. They know that we're together, but I'm telling them today about last nite. Okay?"

"Okay." By this time we had reached the door to the house, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him before he knocks on the door. I hear someone shuffling behind the door before it opens. A woman is standing there, smiling at us.

"Jack, you're home finally. Alex came by a week or two ago, and said he left you in Florida. I thought he was joking at first, but I guess he wasn't. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Jack's mother, Joyce." She holds out her hand, I smile back as I shake her hand.

"I'm Brielle, but most people call me Elle." Jack gives a little squeeze on my hand he was still holding. His mom escorts us inside to what I assume was the living room. His dad was sitting in the living room watching some CSI type show, but he turns it off when the three of us walk into the room. Jack and I sit down across the room from his parents, hiding my ring hand behind us.

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