'Self' Phones

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I wake up in Hooks arms, his hand still on my stomach. I sit up and scratch my head, thinking about what to do. Hook pulls me to him.

"You forgot something," he says kissing my cheek

"How could I forget that?" I say kissing him again.

We finally get up and Hook cooks breakfast. I get dressed then follow the smell of pancakes down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Those smell so good!" I say rubbing my hands together.

"The little one probably wants one too!" Hook replies, rubbing his hand against my belly

He hands me a plate of pancakes as we sit down and eat them. I drown them in syrup then cut it. I devour mine and stretch.

"That hit the spot," I say giggling.

We clean up then I sit Down on the couch. My cell phone rings and I answer it...


Dr Whale: Hi Emma! I have the gender of your baby!

Me: Yay! What are we having?

Dr Whale: You are having... A girl!

Me: I'm going to have a daughter? Thank you Dr Whale! Bye

Dr Whale: Bye Emma!

"KILLIAN!!!" I yell happily as the baby kicks

"Emma what happened?" He said clueless. He scratches his head adorably.

"Your daughter just kicked" I say holding back tears.

"My daughter..." Hook says running up to me, and pressing his lips against mine. He breaks the kiss and kisses my belly over and over, as I feel like my heart will explode.

I wipe a tear from his eye and hug him, not wanting to let go.

-4 weeks later-

"Wow baby you are getting good." I say looking at Hook type on his cell phone.

"Wait so this is a self phone?"

"No, a cell phone!" I say cracking up laughing.

I get a message from Hook "Hi Emma I'm next to you :)" I reply ":P"

"What does :P mean" Hook says as I try not to burst out laughing.

"It's a funny face. The Colin (heh get it? Colin colin :::) is the eyes and the p is the tongue sticking out." I reply smiling.

"Ohhhhh" He says putting his "Self Phone" in his pocket, "enough of this. I have a surprise"

"Really? Where?!" I say excited

Hook takes my hand and leads me over a small hill to an opening.

"Open your eyes" He says taking the blindfold off.

I open my eyes and look at the opening. A big blanket sat on the shore of a lake. A picnic lunch is packed Henry sits near on his own date, Violet! I kiss Hook and run to the blanket smiling so hard my face is sore. Hook catches up with me and pops open a bottle of wine, which I can't drink.

"Don't worry, its sparkling apple cider!"Hook says handing me a glass.

"So... I was thinking of a nickname for you but it sounds really bad..." I say smirking.

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