Going Back

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I'm making this chapter extra extra fluffy, because why not?

Emma's POV

I am in the bath, watching the bath salts and scents dissolve in the water, turning the water a soft pink. I Strap the bath pillow onto the back of the tub, and I watch the steam rise from the bath water. I soon feel my eyelids get heavy, and strain to keep awake. It feels like somebody had placed weights on them, and I soon drifted to sleep.

"Emma, I'm going to lift you out now, oh wait, you are sleeping." Killian's voice softly says.

I try to nod, but am to tired. I feel Killians arms around my waist and shoulders as he picks me up and carries me over to our bedroom, and I feel the soft, but rugged fabric of the pink towel. Killian dries me off, and helps me dress. He dresses me In one of his old shirts, and I smell his familiar scent. I feel myself being lifted once again and this time, my head hits the pillow as the covers are softly set on top of me. I then wake up a bit when Killian lands on top of the bed, and I move close next to him, and soon fall asleep.


I wake up to crying and immediately wake up and walk over to the baby so I can soothe her. The baby feels colder than usual, so I take my sweater off and realize the baby isn't cold, it's just the room.

"Oh, crap! We should have brought wood with us so I could start a fire!", I whisper to Elizabeth, as I place my hand over my forehead. She looks up at me confused, then giggles and falls back asleep as I press a kiss to her tiny head. I place her into the crib and put extra blankets over her. I then walk over and slip my boots on, grab a candle and slip outside. I gather sticks and old dry leaves, and walk a bit farther into the woods. I feel a bit frightened.

'It's only the woods, it's only the woods...' I think, trying to lift myself out of my fear. I jog back into the castle and into our room and almost run into Killian.

"Where were you?" Killian asks as I place the wood onto the floor.

"I was just outside getting some wood." I say with a small shiver. Killian places his hands on mine and says, "Emma, you are as cold as ice, come on, let me make a fire."

I walk over to the fireplace and look at the giant chimney. I watch Killian light all the sticks in the fire place, then kick off his shoes. "Here, I have an idea!" I say as I walk over and slide the mini couch in front of the fire. I sit down on it and grab the fluffy blanket I got attached to. I pat the cushion next to me as Killian sits down and wraps the blanket around us both. I smile and lean onto him as he suddenly lifts me onto his lap, and engulfs me in his embrace. I laugh and press another slow kiss onto his cheek. I rest my head on his chest and then wrap my arms around him, feeling his warmth against me.

"Do you want to get back in bed?" Killian asks, 10 minutes later. I am so relaxed, I don't even want to be two inches away from him.

"N-no, I want to stay here on the couch. If it's ok..." I say, as I raise my head and look into his eyes.

"Yeah, of course, I quite like this." He replies, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Killian," I say, leaning in to kiss him one more time.

"I love you too, Emma,"he says, holding me close. I blow out the candle and then lay there, in Killians arms. But sadly, I didn't fall asleep. I stir a little and watch the vibrant flames of the fire. I feel Killians grip grow tighter around me and I jump a bit. I get up to go to the bathroom, and then suddenly feel a sharp pain on my stomach. I raise my shirt and see nothing. Must of been something I ate, I think. As soon as it feels like it's gone, it gets worse, way worse. I sit on the bathroom floor and then crawl over to the toilet, because I feel nauseous. It's the second time I had thrown up in the past two days. I'll just go to the doctor when we get back. I start coughing, and eventually empty the contents of my stomach, inside of the toilet. The pain happened again, and thus time it was almost as bad as if someone punched me, so I gasped and sat down again. I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, and I finally call Killians name. He runs in and gasps, seeing me in the corner of the bathroom again.

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