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"What?" Killian says, confused. He probably didn't know what I was about to say to him. Part of me felt nervous, nervous he would call me crazy.

"Do you miss the enchanted forest?" I repeat, sitting up next to him. He slowly takes my hand into his.

"I guess I miss the castles, but I like storybrooke better," He says lifting my hand up to kiss my palm. I smile slightly and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as Killian speaks again. "Why do you ask, love?"

"I don't know, I guess I thought we should go on vacation there or something fun," I say, suddenly feeling foolish about this idea altogether. I feel my cheeks turn red, as Killian lifts my chin up and places a kiss softly against my forehead.

"Vacation?" He says quietly, as he takes my hands into his. I nod and he squeezes my hand, and says,"I think that's a wonderful idea love, since we have plenty of magic beans." He gently places a kiss on my cheek once more and pulls the blanket over us. I lay my head against his chest and fall asleep in his arms...


"But with all this talk, we haven't discussed one thing, I'm a villain..." Killian says, his eyes welling up with tears. I stare into his eyes

"Well you have changed Killian." I say, trying to comfort him. I can see the worry lines creasing on his forehead. I want to soothe him, it's just I don't know how.

"It's just, I'm scared of losing my happy ending Emma." He says in a shaky voice, a tear rolling down his face. I intertwine my fingers in his and put my hair behind my ear.

"If you are scared of losing your happy ending, that means you've already found it... What is it?" I ask, feeling my eyes well up with hot tears myself.

Killian gulps and opens his mouth to talk.

"Don't you know Emma? ...It's you..." he says as tears roll down both our cheeks. I feel my eyes burning as I lean in and feel the tip of our noses touch. When his lips touch mine, he wraps his arm against my back and uses his other arm to tangle his fingers in my hair. A few seconds later when I gasp for breath, i hug him tightly.

"I love you."

(End of flashback)

I wake up to feed Elizabeth since she's awake. I yawn and unswaddle her when I start breastfeeding her and put her to sleep when I'm done. I get back under the blankets and feel cold. I suddenly feel the prick of goosebumps all over me, so I get up out of the bed, and turn the heat on. I feel Killians hand around my waist and jump.

"Sorry love, I didn't mean to startle you," he says apologetic. He scratches behind his ear and laughs lightly.

"It's ok Killian. Why are you up?" I say as I squint to see him.

"It was kinda cold, so I was gonna turn the heat on, but I guess you beat me to it!" He says chuckling. He puts his arms around my shoulder and walks me back to the bedroom. I hear the roar of the heaters and climb under the covers. I lay next to him as I cuddle up against him and I feel his breath on my cheek. He wraps an arm around my waist and he kisses my head lightly.

(Next Morning)

As I listen to Killian playing with the baby, I hear Henry walking sleepily down the stairs. He sits next to Killian as I flip the pancakes.

"How was the dance?" I say, looking over at Henry.

"Good, I had plenty of fun," Henry says smiling back. I could sense he wanted to go see Violet so I told him he could. Henry ran out the door, leaving me, Killian and Elizabeth alone.

Killian walks over with the baby asleep in his arms and he kisses my temple lightly. I smile and look back at him as I feel Elizabeth grasp my finger.

"She has a tight grip love," Killian says laughing as I struggle to get Elizabeth's fingers off of mine.


"And do you Killian Jones, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Archie asks, as I feel my fingers start to tremble.

'This is it,' I think as Killian takes my hands into his and smiles.

"I do," he says as his eyes start to shine. He rubs my hand with his finger and slips the wedding band on my finger, just like I did on his. I look at the wedding band and smile at how beautiful it is, diamond and all.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife," Archie says, as he looks over to Killian,"You may kiss the bride," he says as Killian wraps an arm around me and leans in, touching his lips to mine. He leans me over and whispers in my ear, "You did it Swan, you got your happy ending." He smiles and I peck his cheek once more.

"That's not what this is," I say grinning, as Killian asks,"What?"

"It's a happy beginning."

(End of flash back)

A/N: I may or may not have just watched the wedding scene 4 times, then the engagements each once... :)

(3 weeks later, about to leave storybrooke)

"You ready love?" Killian says with the bag of magic beans in his hands. I can tell he's nervous, and I kiss his temple to reassure him as I give my mom and dad one last hug.

"Have fun, ok?" My dad says, and my mom wipes her eyes off.

"Ok, I'm ready Killian." I say as we both hold Elizabeth in our arms. Our suitcases are following behind us as I scoop up a magic bean and chuck it on the floor, watching it form a gaping .hole of possibility. We run into the hole and I feel us floating, floating into the enchanted forest...

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