☞ 0.9

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dear diary,

oh boy.

today after hoseok and jimin told me about yoongi's sister i've been feeling so guilty.

not only do i feel bad about the fact that she's in the hospital, but i feel horrible for assuming things about yoongi that i had no right to assume.

i think i'm gonna go visit him today to apologize and she if he's doing okay.

wish me luck,

i pedaled on my bike, trying not to get my sundress stuck in any of the gears. i was burning up (probably because i was wearing a black sweater under the dress) so i swerved to try to conceal myself in the shade.

i left school early to go and try to find yoongi. i felt horrible.

i let out a yelp as my bike went over a rock and i tumbled off onto the ground below. i cursed to myself as i saw rips in my tights.

my knees stung and i realized that they were bleeding. "just my day!" i laughed bitterly.

"are you okay?!" a voice called a few yards from me. i turned my head around, trying to shield my eyes from the sun and trying to see the person's face at the same time.

i didn't recognize the voice so i was slightly relieved that some embarrassment would be spared on my part. that is, until i saw that there was a second person.

"areum..?" yoongi asked as the two approached me. when he for sure knew it was me he jogged over, his friend (?) trailing close behind him.

i hid my face in my hands for a split second as i sat on the sidewalk, trying to reduce my embarrassment even if it was just a little.

the two boys squatted down next to me, and, to my surprise, my anxiety wasn't flipping out as much as i thought it would.

"let me see," the other boy frowned, scooting closer to my legs. "i'm taehyung, by the way."

"he's a friend from my old school," yoongi spoke up as taehyung examined my bloody knees.

"they're not too bad, but if they don't get cleaned up they'll get infected or somethin'," taehyung grinned as he stood up, wiping the dirt off his jeans. yoongi stood up, pulling me to my feet at the same time.

"my house is just around the corner, we can go there to get bandaids and stuff," yoongi offered, his face slightly red.

"o- oh, okay," i shrugged, trying to lessen the awkward tension.

it's not like we're gonna do anything weird, i frowned in my head. ugh, i hate the teenage mind.

i grabbed my bike and walked in between taehyung and yoongi, an awkward silence engulfing the three of us.

"so, you guys are friends?" taehyung asked, most likely trying to make things less awkward.

yoongi and i looked at each other. are we friends?

i thought about for a few more seconds before answering, "yeah, i guess." i mean, he told hoseok and jimin we were, so it must be true, right?

in the corner of my eye i saw yoongi smiling as he looked at his shoes.

"cool," taehyung replied as we turned into what i assumed to be yoongi's driveway. i set my bike down in his lawn as we walked into his front door.

"mom! can you help taehyung and i for a momen-" he started, but cut himself off quickly. "oh yeah, she's at the hospital with my sister," he frowned.

i opened my mouth to talk but no words came out. i mean, what could one say in this situation? plus it doesn't really help that i'm socially inept.

"will you bring her to the bathroom while i get the first aid kit?" yoongi asked, focusing his attention on taehyung.

"yes sir!" taehyung saluted him before marching off, his hand grabbing onto my wrist.

what the heck..?

the tall boy opened the bathroom door and gestured for me to sit on the edge of the bathtub. he leaned up against the sink as he whistled some random song.

"your name's areum, right?" taehyung asked, abruptly stopping his humming (which slightly took me off guard).

"y- yeah," i replied, looking at me knees.

"yoongi was talking about you right before we ran into you," taehyung brought up casually as he shrugged. "he was saying how he wanted to be your friend. hey, can we be friends?"

yet again i was taken aback by his question so i quickly answered. "yeah, sure."

right as i answered, yoongi walked in with the first aid kit. i took note at how he frowned when i accepted the new friendship. what was that about?

he ignored taehyung's presence and sat down next to me on the edge of the bathtub, unzipping the red bag.

he pulled out a few bandaids and disinfectant. i silently thanked the fact that the holes in my tights were big enough so i wouldn't have to completely take them off. that would be extremely awkward.

yoongi did his thing and stood up. "do you want anything to eat or something?" he asked, ignoring taehyung once again.

before i could reply his eyes lit up. "ooh! one second." he ran out of the bathroom, leaving taehyung there rolling his eyes.

"he's jealous," he chuckled, examining his fingernails.

"about what?" i scoffed before rolling my eyes.

"i think he's jealous that you accepted my friendship so easily when it took him a week or so to get yours," taehyung shrugged, throwing me a goofy smile.

"i doubt it," i said, brushing it off.

our conversation ended when yoongi ushered us out into his kitchen where three cartons of vanilla milk sat.

"mY FAVORITE!" i exclaimed as i snatched one, totally forgetting about the two boys, until they started to laugh.

"wow, areum, i didn't know you could be so loud!" yoongi teased as he laughed.

i just glared at him as i took a sip of my milk. "i'll do anything for vanilla milk."

taehyung raised his eyebrows. "anything?"

"hey! shut up, sicko!" i exclaimed, throwing my straw rapper at him.

the three of us laughed as we took a seat at the kitchen table.

then i realized something:

i have friends.
long chapter whoop

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