The Scrapbook

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This takes place with all the baby birds in the nest.

I think that's all I need to clarify for this one...


Dick sat on the couch in the living room of the manor, cross-legged with a thick book in his lap.

Damian walked in as he finished cutting out a magazine article and started gluing it in the book.

"What are you doing, Grayson?" Damian asked.

"C'mere, Damian. I wanna show you something." Dick finished as the young Wayne sat down next to him. "This is the Wayne family scrapbook."

"Really? A scrapbook? I don't see why my father would make such a thing." Damian scoffed.

"Which is why I am the one who made it. Well, actually, Alfred started it. I just kept it going." Dick turned to the first page. Across the top was written:
First Time Seeing the Manor

On it were pictures of each of the Robins. Each picture was taken from behind them. A young Dick looked up in openmouthed wonder at the large mansion in front of him. Jason was much the same, but he was, for some reason, by the back entrance. Tim was wide-eyed but he had a mostly-closed mouth and a bit of a smug grin.

"Jason was kind of... brought against his will after he tried to to steal the Batmobile's wheels. Alfred took him on a walk after a while to help him get a grip. Tim had deduced Batman was Bruce already, so coming to the mansion was just proving him even more right," the elder explained.

There were two of Damian. One was him looking up, unimpressed, and the other was him glaring at the camera. Written next to the latter was, Putting his League training to use already!

He turned the page. The next couple pages read: First Mob of Reporters

This page had newspaper and magazine clippings. In one from a magazine, Dick clutched the back of Bruce's suit, hiding his face with the caption of, "The young ward of Bruce Wayne shies away from cameras." In another from the front page of Gotham Daily, he was glancing nervously around at Bruce's side with one of the man's arms on his shoulder. The article next to it was titled: MILLIONAIRE BRUCE WAYNE TAKES IN WARD.

The next picture was of Jason looking stunned, no doubt by the sheer number of cameras. Damian chuckled at his expression. "It looks like he was struck in the face." Dick had chosen to omit the accompanying article for that one. It took away from the overall hilarity of the moment.

Tim looked a little more dignified. He still looked nervous, but he had maintained his composure well enough. Next to the photo was an article titled Bruce Wayne Takes in Yet Another Ward.

There wasn't much to say about Damian's. He looked relaxed, indifferent, even disinterested. There was an article about how Bruce had a secret affair with some lady thirteen years ago and blah blah blah, conspiracies, terrible evidence.

The next part was titled:
First Scandal!

They were all taken from tabloids. Dick's was about how he actually ran away to the circus when he was REALLY young and his parents weren't actually his parents. They had just taken in a runaway boy who was too young to understand what was happening.

"That really upset me, especially when the people at school heard about it," Dick remembered. "Bruce had to come into my room and explain that people do this to rich people. One of the downsides, I s'pose."

Jason's had to do with him being a delinquent with a criminal record. (That was actually true, but he was reformed now.)

Tim's theorized that Bruce had been paying for his good grades for years now. (Because how else could someone get grades that good in Gotham?)

It was Damians's scandal that Dick had been gluing in earlier. It was about him getting mad at a reporter and threatening to remove his tongue. That one was actually true, but only tabloids could publish it because Bruce had paid all the good newspapers and magazines to keep it quiet.

"That was fun," Damian reminisced fondly.

"We almost got sued," Dick reminded him. "You know, we actually have a Robin scrapbook, too. I can show you sometime. You can see the page Jason made. He called it First Time Coming Back to Life."

"Is that all that's in this book?"

"No, but--"

"Masters, dinner is ready."

"But Alfred is making a roast turkey, and NO WAY am I missing out on that."


Hey peoples of the world, I couldn't think of any other milestones. I would appreciate some for both the plain old 'rich people' scrapbook and the Robin one. Because Bruce might want to show his rich friends his kids' progress as future millionaires, and we wouldn't want any secret identity giveaways. But we need a Robin scrapbook, too.

Me out!

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