Halloween Special

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This wasn't originally going to be a Halloween One-Shot, but it's Halloween, and it gives me lenience I wouldn't normally have in writing this. So brace yourselves for the SPOOPY!

Robin x Starfire. Lots of it. Be warned that ships are the main focus. So actually, more sappy than spoopy. But the villain is spoopy, so there's that.

Robin is with the Teen Titans, having (temporarily) quit the YJ team. However, he didn't cut all ties, because he's still able to call the team to get help with a (relatively) small problem.

Robin tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the call to patch through.

"Robin," Aqualad finally answered. "It has been a while, my friend."

"It has, but can we catch up later? There's something that's pretty... pressing here, and it can't wait."

"What's the issue?"

"We've been having problems with a magician, and Raven, who we would normally have on it, disappeared when she went after him. We need to borrow Zatanna for a few days."

"I will ask her if she is able to help."

"Thanks. Call as soon as she can come. Robin out." He shut off the call and rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

"Who's Zatanna?" Beast Boy asked.

"An old teammate of mine. Hopefully you'll meet her soon." He started to walk off, but Starfire intercepted him.

"Is she the nice?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess. She's pretty nice."

"That is good. Will she be here soon?" 

Recognized: Zatanna, B08, the Zeta tube announced.

"Apparently yes." He walked to greet the magician.

"Robin! Long time, no see!"

"It's been a while, yeah."

"You're using a lot of hair gel."

He blushed slightly and rubbed it, embarrassed, as Beast Boy stifled his laughter behind his hand. "Yeah, well." He shook his head. "But catching up will have to wait. We need to track a magician named Nytemare, and our empath is gone. She disappeared when she went off after him."

"So now you need my help to find them. All right, let's get started."

"I should probably introduce you to the team first. This is Beast Boy--" he pushed the green teen's head away from over his shoulder-- "Cyborg is the one racing Beast Boy's best time in Space Race and winning--" Beast Boy ran over to interfere with the competition-- "and Starfire must be in her room." He called her over the PA.

She flew into the room from the elevator. "Who is this person with whom I share the pleasure of meeting?"

"Zatanna. I'm helping you find Raven and... Nytemare, you said?" She turned to Robin, clearly giving him his cue to explain.

"We don't know a whole lot about him, just that he's got some level of control of magic. Before we confronted him, he was showing people their greatest fears in the most terrifying way possible, all in their heads. At first, I thought he'd gotten his hands on fear toxin. But Raven could tell that it was sorcery. 

"Nytemare made a portal to leave, and Raven went after him. It disappeared before we could get there. Now, we just need you to track him, Zatanna." He turned to the magician. "You've done something like it before; you'll just need to modify the spell a bit." 

She nodded. "I'm already working on it."

Robin smiled slightly for the first time that day. Starfire could tell that Raven's disappearance was worrying him more than he cared to admit.

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