Li'l Wayne

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Hah, you thought this was dead. You thought wrong!

SO much fluff.


"Bruce? BRUCE?"

"Dick, stop shouting. I'm sure he's around here somewhere."

"I need to show him this cake I made!"

"I'm sure he's going to see it eventually, regardless of whether you make the effort to show it to him or not."

"Tim, I just want to show off my handiwork before somebody ruins it."

"Ooh! Cake!"

"JASON! I wanted to show that to Bruce! You don't just stick your finger in-- NO! Don't put your-- aw, man."

"He just put his face in it, didn't he?"

"JAAAAASOOOOOONNNN! That was for Bruce!"

"It's cake. How could you expect me not to-- OW! Watch it!"

"That was supposed to be for Bruce! Now you've gone and--"

"Oh, shut up."

"Grow up!"

"Grayson, what happened to that cake?"

"Jason happened, that's what."

"It's a cake! How could you expect--"

"GUYS! Quiet down! I'm trying to read Othello!"

"Seriously, Drake?"

"Yes, seriously! Now SHUT UP!"

Everyone glared at each other. (Jason didn't look very intimidating with frosting all over his face.)

"Where's Bruce?" Dick whined after a long moment of intense scowling. Everyone groaned.

Tim slammed his book shut and stood up abruptly. "I told you, he's around here somewhere!" He went to the kitchen and got right in his elder brother's face. "If you're so worried about where he is, then go look for him! He's probably just in the Cave!"

A loud bang resounded from beneath them. Everyone jumped.

Jason frowned, still eating what was left of the cake. "That was unusual."

"Aren't we going to investigate?" Damian asked loudly.

Tim groaned and walked off, presumably to the Batcave. Everyone else fell in behind him as he opened the grandfather clock entrance.

Before they could enter, however, they heard an unfamiliar, childlike whimper. Tim's eyes widened. He looked back, and his three brothers just shook their heads, looking just as confused and concerned as he felt. Since no one else seemed ready to take the lead, he took a deep breath and proceeded slowly down the stairs, guard up against whatever demonic childlike terror awaited them, if horror movies served any example.

The Cave looked perfectly normal. The lights were on, and the only mess was from when Tim and Damian had gotten into a fight by the training equipment an hour ago. Not a soul was in sight.

Since they knew they'd heard something earlier, they split up to look for it. They looked around display cases, behind equipment, in the t-rex's mouth. Nothing.

Until Jason looked under the Batcomputer.

"Ah, geez. Guys?" he called. "You might want to see this." They gathered around to see what he'd found.

Under the table, curled up in a ball, eyes wide, was a small, dark-haired boy in an oversized Batsuit.

"W-where's Alfred?" he asked quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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