Liquor Training Talk

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Wally is 23 and Dick is barely 20.
There is mention of alcohol. Don't get your undies in a bunch.


"Sorry. I was out late last night," Wally said as explanation for his being late to breakfast.

Dick shook his head. "It's fine. We usually are."

"Except I wasn't really doing hero stuff..." Wally looked at him sheepishly.

Dick raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I was hanging out with some... civilian friends of mine. We were at a bar."

Dick chuckled. "I see. But I thought you can't get drunk?"

"Neither can you!" the speedster exclaimed. Then he realized why his friend looked confused. "I mean you're not allowed to. You're too young."

Wally frowned slightly at his friend's smug look. "That's what you think," was all the raven-haired acrobat said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Have you been drinking?" The redhead looked at his friend in slight concern.

"It's part of Bats' training. He has us start learning to hold our liquor at 16. So for undercover ops when we're older, we can drink and still stay... mostly sober. And rich people parties, too."


"Oh, it's fine. We're constantly supervised until we're sober again, and Alfred has so many locks on the wine cellar that it wouldn't be worth the effort to bust in."

"But... Why?"

"I told you that. Oh, and sometimes, he takes us to bars in disguise so we can learn to ACT drunk, too. It's pretty funny what drunk people do sometimes. And since we're supposed to practice, too, Jason and I even started a competition to see who could get kicked out for public intoxication first. Without touching a drop, of course. Or getting arrested. Sometimes we add challenges, too, like picking up a bunch of chicks, or using a method we never used before. And we're in disguise still, so it's not like we're starting a big public scandal with us Waynes."

Wally considered this for a moment. "You guys don't actually get drunk?"

"Nope. That's at the manor."

"Can I come next time?"


Do you guys want to hear about Dick, Jason, and Wally undergoing 'acting drunk' training? Or can I waste my time developing some other random story that has nothing to do with anything?

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