Chapter 3

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Ok! I want to know how to dedicate a chapter to someone! Here's the prize for the first to answer my question. Whoever fully answers my question first will get the next chapter dedicated to them. Oh, and if you are the first to give me ideas, the chapter after that will be dedicated to you. Yay!

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO


Annabeth POV

I had just met Percy's friends, Eian, JJ, and Alena. Apparently, they were hated and picked on, so Percy made them his friends. He's so nice! Some of his other "friends" were the other popular boys. Daeden, Lambert, Ryan, Andrew, the list goes on. They only asked to be his friends so that their status would go up, but Percy was never close to them.

Eian thought and Alena thought that I didn't exist, but now they believe him. However, JJ thinks that Percy paid me to pretend to be his girlfriend. I sighed.

"Believe this?" I had said, and then kissed him. We really didn't care what they thought, so he pushed me against the lockers, and it soon became a make-out session.

Eian said, "guys, guys, stop! I believe you now!"

Alena screamed, "MY SWEET VIRGIN EYES!" Apparently she didn't have a boyfriend, and wanted to keep it that way. She reminded me of Thalia.

I sighed with pleasure. "I love you seaweed brain." Slipped out of my mouth.

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