Chapter 9

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Percy POV

When I did my little trick, all of the wizards were left speechless. Thalia walked up, and said, "I hope that you all know by now that if you mess with us, well, let's just say that the last monster that did that got sent back to tartarus in a jiffy.

Mrs. McGonagall walked up to the podium and said, "When I call your name, please walk up to the stool and I will place the hat upon your head. It will sort you. Now, Chase, Annabeth!"

Annabeth walked up, and waited for a while. All of a sudden, the hat screamed, "GET HER OFF ME!!!!! TOO MUCH DEATH AND-AHHHHHH!"

Mrs. McGonagall tore the hat off of Annabeth. The hat said, "She-she has seen too much horror! J-just a child! T-tartarus! Gryffindor!" the hat exclaimed.

Annabeth said, "Percy, I'm gonna flashback-"

Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she crumpled to the ground. I ran over to her, and knelt beside her.

She shuddered, and screamed. Her eyes flew open, and she hugged me. "I-I couldn't see you." she murmured.

"It's ok, I'm right here, and I'm never leaving your side. Never ever again." I reassured her "I'm here for the whole ride."

"I-I already placed the other students based on seeing what they did. They are all in Gryffindor."

Students murmured amongst themselves about this, and suddenly, a Ravenclaw said, "Is that fair? What if some of their personalities belong in the other houses?"

The hat laughed. "Oh, I have seen their personalities. They are all very brave, and have gone through more than any of you have, even Mr. Potter. Much more than Mr. Potter. They are selfless, kind, brave, although some may be rather dense, and as Zeus said, "Demigod upstarts,"

Thalia snickered, and pointed at Percy. Percy growled. "Got a problem with me, Pinecone Face?"

"Oh, yes Kelp Head, I have," she grinned and Percy said, "let's take this outside, we don't want to break the great hall."

Cuz, you think just like me!" Percy exclaimed.

Thunder boomed outside and Percy whined, "You can't start yet, you little cheater!" The Black Lake started churning, and they ran outside.

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