Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Ron shoveled food in his mouth. It was quite a disgusting sight to see. Hermione sighed. "Ron, when will you learn some manners? Close your mouth while eating!"

"Srphy." he managed through the food he was eating. The food disappeared, and Dumbledore stood up. We all became silent.

"Now, an old friend of mine has decided to send over some of his-er-students. Now, they are not wizards, nor muggles. And they are not half breeds! You will have to wait a little while to see. And, I know that their stories may be hard to believe, but they are true. I am one of them."

"When are they coming?" Malfoy sneered. Hermoine gasped. "Are their names Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson?" Malfoy's face slacked.

Dumbledore smiled, and nodded. Hermoine squealed, "PERCABETH!"

Malfoy jumped up in the air and screamed,"YES! I CAN TAKE THIS AMULET OFF NOW!"

"YAS! ME TOO!" Hermione screamed. Malfoy took his off, and he soon became a muscular, handsome boy with sandy-blonde hair. Hermione took hers off and she became a beautiful girl, she had the same hair color, and her eyes could never stay the same color. All the girls were drooling over Malfoy, and all the boys were drooling over Hermione, They walked over to each other and kissed. Ron's eyes went wide, as did mine.

The doors burst open, and in walked nine handsome and muscular teenagers. However, in their eyes, you could see that they had gone through too much, even more than me. Their eyes held pain, worse than you could ever imagine.

Hermione walked up to another beautiful girl, and they hugged, like they were closer than us! They probably were. Hermione had this whole hidden life that no one knew about. Draco went up and hugged a girl that looked a lot like him, also with sandy-blonde hair and grey eyes.

You would think that she was a dumb blonde, but when you looked into her eyes, they were calculating, as if she could figure out your life story by looking into your eyes. She was being held close by a handsome, muscular boy with jet-black hair. Their eyes showed grief, as if they had just come back from a terrible place, and they had come back from a war with many deaths. They walked up to the front of the room, and Hermione and Draco walked up with them

"You may be wondering who we are," said the boy with the dark hair. He seemed like their leader. "How many of you know about the greek gods?"

All of Slytherin raised their hands, it was a tradition among Purebloods to learn about greek myths, although no one knew why. All of Ravenclaw raised their hands, some Hufflepuff, and only a few Gryffindor.

"Ok, this is what the new class is for! I will tell you now:these myths are real. The greek gods are real, and thriving in the 21st century. We are their children. Every once in a while-well, pretty often, come to think about it, the Gods come down from Mount Olympus and get into relationships with mortals, and they would have children with these mortals. We are called half-bloods, or, more commonly demigods. I am Percy-"

He was elbowed in the stomach by the blonde girl. "Hey, that hurt, Wise Girl!" he protested. She scoffed.

"As I was saying, I am Perseus Jackson-but don't call me that, call me Percy. Son of Poseidon, who is the God of the Sea, the Earth-Shaker, and tamer of horses, I am a Hero of Olympus, Defeater of Gaea, survivor of Tartarus."

The blonde girl walked up, and said," I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena who is the godess of wisdom, useful skills, strategy and war., Hero of Olympus, Defeater of Gaea, and survivor of Tartarus.

A blonde guy walked up and said, "I am Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, roman version of Zeus who is the King of the Gods, god of the sky. I am a Defeater of Gaea."

A beautiful girl walked up and said, "I am Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love and relationships. I am a Defeater of Gaea.

A Punk/Goth girl walked up, and said, "I am Thalia, daughter of Zeus, who is the King of the Gods, and god of the sky. I am a Hero of Olympus.

"What's your last name?" someone shouted.

"I don't use it," she snapped.

Next up was a bulky Chinese guy. "I am Frank Zhang, Son of Mars, Roman form of Ares who is the god of war, and I am a Defeater of Gaea.

Next was a hispanic elf-looking guy that said, "'Sup dudes? I'm Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus, who is the god of forges and fire, I am a Defeater of Gaea."

A girl with chocolate-colored skin and brown hair walked up. "Hi, I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, roman form of Hades, who is the god of riches, and the underworld. I'm a Defeater of Gaea.

A goth, emo-looking kid walked up and said, "Hi, I'm Nico di Angelo, a son of Hades who is the god of the Underworld, and riches. I am a hero of Olympus, Survivor of Tartarus, and I helped the seven defeat Gaea.

Hermione walked up and said, "You all know me as Hermione Granger, a muggle-born wizard. However, my mother is not a muggle. She is more powerful than all of your parents combined. She is Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. I am a demigod."

Malfoy walked up and said, "You might also wonder why I am up here, also. I am also a demigod. I am a son of Hermes, who is the god of messengers, travelers, and thieves."

The entire hall was silent. "How do we know that you aren't lying?" yelled a voice from the Slytherin table.

Percy laughed. He lifted his hands up, and the water from all of the glasses rose up in the air to form a trident. He formed it into many different forms, and then floated it back into the glasses the water was in before. Everyone was silent. I was aewestruck. How did he do that without a wand?

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