6; Andorra

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My leg was slipping, all my stuff fell down, I am on the edge of falling and my soul is intact, so if my body falls I hope my soul would fly. The height of the tree wasn't that high, so the chances of being hurt would be: 1; breaking my hips,2; breaking my leg or arm,3; having a bruise or a serious scar, nothing more nothing less.

His hand was still outside the window, but I did not want to look petty so I declined his offer and tried to get down myself, I have had some techniques I remember from my childhood, I would always climb trees, go fishing, play sports, do anything that is boy-ish, and I would feel free, then when I became a teenager I was supposed to act like a "girl" but I was just a "depressed girl.", at least I tried, you get me?

"here, let me help you," he offered.

I ignored and acted like he did not exist, I sensed it was irritating him but I did not mind to be honest because, I was having fun, I was laughing.

"how can you laugh and you were almost  about to hurt yourself? You're savage!" he raised his voice, I eyed him quickly, he had a look of worry on his face, his forehead was sweating, his blue eyes were a mixture of pastel blue and oceanic blue, his hands were shaking and that surprised me, like I'm not committing suicide over a cliff, my leg is just slipping from the branch and I may risk falling on a stone hard ground, or just thinking about it out loud made it logical, somehow.

I was really enjoying the scene, I remember a movie of my directing and production, where the heroine was about to fall from a building and her lover forcefully caught her so she cannot fall, but this is real life, anything can happen in a movie, but pretty much nothing happens in reality.

So I let myself be, and I let go of the branch I was holding to, maybe movie scenes can happen in real life?

Mark my words, it's true.

He held me by the hips with one grip and pulled me to his chest, but my foot stuck into the tree so I had to say goodbye to my shoes, they were my favorites! Plus, they were the newest collection launched by Nike! What a flipping waste.

"are you out of your mind?" he screamed in my face, again I was offended.

"excuse me? Why are you yelling at me? I'm not a child!" I scoffed, I mean, my parents never yelled at me, my siblings did not yell at me, my friends- wait I do not have friends, my professors and teachers, even my bosses never yelled at me, and he is yelling at me?

My mind is blown.

"I would definitely yell at you for the insanity you hold! You almost hurt yourself!"

"why you even care? A small scar won't end a universe! Calm your horses Edward!"

"I told you it's Mr. McCain." He said between breaths.

I rolled my eyes, this is the most childish, I don't if it is a fight or an argument, it is hilarious.

"you think with your gorgeous blue eyes and giving me your hand would make me fall for all this? I do not even know you, the world does not know anything about you, you are allegedly yelling at me for almost falling of a tree, telling me I lost my mind? Where was your mind when you asked me to hold your hand and escape with you to another city! You know what? Just go, escape, go with that blonde girl of yours! Look me in the face I am talking to you Mr.!"

He burst out laughing, and I swear I have never seen such angelic laugh at all.

Watching him laugh made laugh too, even harder.

"this was a good scene." He said out of breath.

I nodded, "indeed."

Soon the laughs faded away and I looked at my watch, it was 9:30!

"shoot I have to go and you have to go! You missed the plane!"

"it is fine, I will just drive."

I bit my inner cheeks and opened the door to head out, I forgot that all my stuff were still under his tree, luckily, they were still in the same spot.

I went back to my hotel room, packed the rest of my stuff and waited for tomorrow to come.

Andorra, here I come.

The trip to Andorra was as tiring as I imagined to be, I reached the hotel, it's even more beautiful than the one I stayed in in Barcelona, and the most incredible thing is that it's near the beach, I also hope I won't see Edward, albeit we had another bittersweet encounter, I just flew to Spain to have a vacation of a lifetime, it's unfair how sometimes you get wrapped up in work you forget to have a vacation, but I look back at myself and my heart screams 'you made it!' but my mind hit me with questions if I did not waste my time, just yet.

I do not know in what room he's staying in and that made me loosen up, because I just want to have my own quality time, without any distractions, no matter how gorgeous those distractions were.

The first thing I wanted to do was to go to the beach, so I hopped into a one piece basic black bikini with jean shorts, left my hair in its curls, I just wanted to lay there and devour some memories, not overrating it, right?

He was there, it was something unusual though, he was waiting for her by acting he wanted to have a tan, being white as bed sheets, having a tan was a thumbs up for him.

I do not know if I am allowed to swear in situations like that, but I swear when her foot touched the sand, the sand cooled down and the waves crashed with compassion, something so powerful I got amazed.

She is looking at me and my body is getting numb.

He gave her the same look he had given her the first time they met, the poker straight face.

Then, he went to her and traced his fingers on her golden skinned shoulder, she did not flinch or move, he felt her muscles relax more than ever, and when she turned around she became defenceless yet again, as if she never lectured herself billion times before putting her foot in Andorra, but all the lectures and all the words meant nothing when her eyes spoke already for her, he discovered that and it definitely meant something to him.

No distractions, she said, no matter how gorgeous those distractions were, she said.

Since he was the only one offering his hand to her, knowing she is the savagery queen, she offered her hand first time and his body got electrocuted with excitement, a feeling he had never experienced in ages.

The waves were still crashing hard, but fear did not stop them, passion over fear they said, love over fear, they shouted.

But, Mary Jane remembered she could not swim, so she stepped back, she let go of his hand and when he aimed to rekindle their hands, she clapped it away, he had an emotionless expression.

No matter how hot that sand was, it didn't bother Mary Jane as she ran and ran and ran back to her room, she was breathless.

Out of the blue, her bedroom door opened.


hey guys! this is a filler chapter, hope you like it.

tell me your opinions in the comments, love you.

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