34; Stone Cold Wildfire

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"I want to talk."

I froze up when he knocked on the door multiple times, I hid my suitcases and the spell book in my backpack with my laptop, cellphone, passport, money and a frame of a picture of Edward and I.

I looked at the ring on my finger and brought it close to my lips.

"I miss you Ed, I love you."

"I love you too angel."

I exhaled and opened the door plastering a fake smile, he smiled at me from ear to ear as he offered me his hand to hold, I politely accepted his offer and he led us to the living room. We sat in silence and I wanted to cut my wrist off.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing actually, I wanted to enjoy your company, is it too much to ask?"

I shook my head slightly and blushed on how sweet he's being, there's something that he does with his fingers when he's nervous. Edward used to it whenever we were watching a Derby game or an NBA match, or when I used to force him to go the dentist, plus when he used to watch me taking needles in the spa.

I smiled even harder at the flashbacks as I caught him staring, then he turned away and I admired his features from his right angle, he was indeed perfect.

His face was not as chubby as Edward's, his lips were quite smaller and his nose was not as defined as it looked like. His jaw was so sharp, sharper than Edward's.

I had gotten spaced out by his beauty, for real.

"Have you ever been in a love triangle?" He asked me out of sudden.

I bit my lip and avoided looking into his eyes as I stuttered words I should have kept to myself.

"Yes." That's all I said after the stuttering, I continued to play with my ring, twirling it around my finger.

I've been in a love triangle back when I was high school, that's when I lost one of my friends because of it, and I lost the rest of them as well, including my crush.

I remember having a crush on this guy who was in my class, we shared some moments as friends and I kept it inside as that, friends and nothing else. Then I had to move on from him and I acted as such, but his love grew wider in my heart, it anchored my ship and stopped me from moving, stopped me from thinking straight, he took over my mind and over my heart. When I thought for once I'd admit my feelings to someone, feelings that were valid but not anymore of course. A certain person whom I considered as one of my friends, supposedly fell for him too, I would wonder if she were supernatural or out of this world, because she had gotten him spelled, and the anchor left the ship twirling by itself in the middle of the sea, lost.

"How does it feel like?" He asked.

I shook my head in way making sure if he was serious or not, if he could repeat his question.

"How does it feel like? To be in love with someone who is loved by someone else, and this person is in love with one of them?" He clarified, this time more clearer.

"It's like standing in the middle of an ice cap, and the ice is about to break, and you have to jump on one side to survive or else you'd fall and drown-"

"If I had to choose the side I would jump on-" I interrupted him back.

"You never choose, you'd be already blinded by the aim of survival."

"What if-"

"This will take a while, Ignatius." She paused everything, time froze when I looked at her.

She shushed me and I relinquished to her words, even though I had too many questions, I mean excuses to keep talking to her, but no more excuses.

"I can't stop staring at how gorgeous your eyes are." I breathed out.

"And I can't help looking away because Edward is somewhere in your pupils, diving in the sea of your blue."

"Why'd we talk about Edward now?" I raised my hand to caress her cheek, but she slapped it away.

I inhaled and exhaled and stopped fire from igniting from my eyes.

"Can I have a dance with you at least?"

She nodded and took my hand, as one tap of a finger had us dancing in the living room, I hummed in her ear with my grip tightening on her waist. She looked at how our feet were moving and clung to my shoulder, keeping her ear close to my lips. The murmurs were sliding through her eardrums all the way to her heart, and I pulled her closer to my chest so I could enjoy dancing and moving to her heartbeats.

Goosebumps appeared on her skin, she moved away from me like a firefly running away in the night, she wanted to let go of my grip but I couldn't let her go. She gaped in shock when I told her that I loved her.

She let go of my grip roughly and started to move backwards she got glued to the wall.

"Why you're backing away from me baby? You aren't supposed to do that." I said quietly as possible.

The spell should've been working, she should've been falling for me already.

"The spell will not ever work because I will never be yours, because my heart is not as cold as yours, because you tried to take Edward's place whose worth gold."

"Babe, what are you talking about?"

She rolled her eyes and the next thing I saw was her luggage placed next to her.

"I'm talking about this, buenos noches Ignatius."

She took her luggage and closed the door, locking it with a key.

I ran to the window and screamed at the top of my lungs;

"I'm not Edward! I'm not fucking Edward!"

She looked at me one last time, put on her sunglasses and motioned to Aphrodite and Apollo to climb into the backseat, as she climbed in the passenger seat, hugged the uber and the car took off.

I ran to check where the hell was the spell book, I searched everywhere.

"Here it is.." I sighed in relief and kissed it as I looked at Tania and hugged her again.

"Thank you so much Tania, for everything."

"Real friends support each other and never leave one behind, real friends appreciate the dedication, and you changed my life Mrs Mary Jane Khair McCain."

"Tania, call me Mary Jane."

We arrived at the airport and I took my luggage from the car, kissed my baby dogs goodbye and hugged Tania for the last time.

"Take care of yourself, and watch out for Aphrodite and Apollo for me."

"Farewell, Mary Jane."

I waved and sighed, took my suitcases and escaped into the eclipse.

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