9; what are you doing?

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This was the first time ever where I experience a week passing as fast as lightning bolt, it was one of the most beautiful vacations I have ever spent, it was crazy, enjoyable, spontaneous, unexplainable, it was, wow.

Also, having Edward with me like 70 percent of the time I had there was magical, being with someone you crave for too long, can be a blessing, especially if they affected your life in a certain way, a good way perhaps.

And coming back to the states, being wrapped up in more work, after a week of relaxation and adventures, can be a little bit awkward for me because, having to be under such pressure, where you feel like you want to explode, and jumping from a dimension to another, my tongue is tied, but I love my job.

What I love about my job is that it makes you experience an adventure, you travel, you communicate, you choose between many masterpieces and that aches my heart because, too many projects were in the palm of my hand, but you have to choose something that can be game changer, the banger of the year.

Today, I felt myself drowning in so much papers and contracts, I almost lost my breaths, I drank too many coffee mugs and had to hire an assistant, Tania.

Tania is hardworking, she is beautiful, she is a dancer too, she came as an intern for a day, she nailed that day, and now she is my assistant.

She brings me coffee, she sets my schedule and all that stuff, and I swear without her, I would die in a mess.

"Miss Mary? Today's schedule is up." She weakly smiled, she knows how tired I am.

I groaned, sighed and rolled my eyes, she chuckled.

"ugh tell me,"

"Mr. Roger called, he wants to meet up with you, you also need to go to the bank to open a new credit card, you also need to meet up with the cast of our new project, and the merchandise arrived, plus you have a photoshoot at 6:30 sharp, in Beverly hills. That is it."

My jaw dropped, I am clueless and I do not know how I am going to pick myself up, all I wanted to do is finish from the office and go home to read or eat mac and cheese!

"Thank you so much darling, return to your office and call me Mary." I smiled.

My employees are my friends, I have always been nice to everyone.

I finished from the office, waved at Tania and headed to meet Ray.

"here comes the queen!" I embraced my brother in a teddy bear hug and did our classic handshake.

I managed to laugh in this tiring day, but when I meet with ray, it is something else.

"our project is working as straight as a ruler, everything is going well, the set is prepared, the cast are awesome but there's something..."

My heart to started to pound.

"how will we manage to work on two projects?" he inquired, sipping on his drink after biting on his sandwich.

"what do you mean two projects?"

"two words, Edward. McCain."

I knew it.

He nodded excitedly, I do not know whether to be happy or be worried, I never worked with him and I do not know if it can work, business and love can never mix.

He was not in love with me and I know it, but I was and it will be hard for me.

"are not you excited?" he exclaimed.

"yeah, I am." I said between breaths.

After meeting with ray and talked about business and planned everything, we headed to the set to meet the cast, they were all so funny and adorable, and they are great to be honest, I have big hopes for these people, and I will do anything to stand by them and support them and help them shine, some souls deserves to glow.

The thing I help everyone and be nice to everyone is because, no one supported me when I was in need, no one encouraged me to follow my dreams, but sometimes I thank God for this for I became stronger.

Then, I went to check on the merchandise, they look amazing, I always dreamt of having my own merchandise, even though I do not have that huge "fan base" but I had supporters and that was enough.

On the other hand, I had to call Tania to help me with this shoot, my makeup and hair were done, this photoshoot was something else, like the outfits are so fierce and that is something I never saw myself in, being fierce.

"are you ready Mar?"

Mar? what?

"you are my photographer?"

Oh boy.


surprise! double update for you guys because you are AMAZING!

have a good day!

also, follow me on instagram: anabsurdlunatic

twitter: anasburdlunatic

I would love to get to know all of you!

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