52. Decisions Made

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Olivia's P.O.V

September 15th, 2016

   "How are you?" Dean asked me. We've been in the same siuation before. Dean and I sat on his couch, alone in his apartment. It was hard to stay at home. I'm on my last free days from uni and I could barely stay at work. It was hard to deal with anything. "Alexa told us everything." I hugged him, having no tears to cry anymore. I don't know if Gerald and I have a future anymore. I'm not sure how positive it is to have a shared child with him.

   "I'm shit." I huffed. Everything feels heavy.

   "You know we'll do anything to help you, right? We won't leave you alone." He assured. "Don't be sad, Liv." I've never felt so confused. Gerald had been doing all the wrong things in such a short time... I'm so disappointed. Dean stroked my back, trying to make me feel better.

   "I didn't even tell him about it..." I mumbled. Dean pulled away.

   "You need to tell him. He deserves to know."

   "I know."


   "I can't face him yet. I don't know what to say and how."

   "You're overthinking it." He ran his hand through his hair. He seemed a little frustrated. "Just tell him. He has every right to know. What if he wants to raise it?" I shrugged." This isn't a good answer." I know it's not a good answer. But I feel like shit about myself, about my relationship with Gerald... I don't think I can raise this child. I don't want itto face more harm. It doesn't need separated parents.

September 25th, 2016

   I walked around my neighborhood to calm down my stress. I walked next to Blake's bar, seeing how empty it was. For sale. He's moving out of Los Angeles. Once again, I'm on my own here. All alone. Those friends I made here... They're not something serious. They're not friends that'll be by my side if something happens to me. I feel like I'm in the same place I had been a year ago, and I don't think it's positive.

   I continued walking around the city, when a paparazzo followed me. I tried ignoring him, but he way too rude. He followed me wherever I walked, snapping his camera nonstop. Fuck. I can't deal with that.

   "Didn't you get enough pictures?" I asked him and he shook his head. I noticed a familiar car driving next to us.

   "Do you need a pick up?" I heard the driver ask. I looked to see who was talking. I don't want to get on this car. I'm not ready. But I know that if I continue walking with this paparazzo, I'll start crying. I don't want pictures of me crying all over the internet. I needed some peace. I needed to calm down. And I knew that this car wouldn't do better. At least it's with someone familiar.

   "Yes." I got inside his car and he drove away. "What are you doing in LA, Gerald?" I asked him.

   "I don't think that you're the one to ask the questions now, Liv." I could hear how hurt he was. Fuck, I'm hurt too. "I gave you that break you asked for. I left you alone because I don't want this break to turn into a breakup. I can't wait anymore. I haven't heard from you for a month. I miss you, and I know you miss me too." I wanted to cry. These damn hormones. I can't let them control me, as much as I want to cry my eyes out. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" My heart skipped a beat and I felt my body fume up. How did he know? "Alexa told me." Why did she do that?

   "Don't you remember the things you tell me?" He didn't respond. "You don't want to have children now. You don't want it to stop your career. If that so, then... I'm not sure what we have to do together." I saw a tear rolling down his cheek. Now that was a huge stab in the heart... I don't want to see him cry.

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