00. Epilogue: Hapily Ever Blah Blah Blah...

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Olivia's P.O.V

   "I can't believe Mila is 7. She grew up so fast..." Gerald and I lied in bed after the kids fell asleep. She had a birthday party today, one that drained us from our powers. All those kids and all that mess.... Cleaning up after it was so hard for Gerald and I. We needed to scrub the whole house clean, not to mention that Hayden had been very clingy while we were cleaning.

   "I can't believe I'm 35 with 3 kids." Gerald replied with a chuckle rolling out his lips. "And another on the way." He kissed my belly and I giggled. I heard a baby cry coming from Ethan's room. Oh, no... I thought we'd have some quiet time now. I'm desperate for some rest.

   "I'll go-"

   "No, you need to sit down a little after this crazy day you've been having." He kissed my forehead and walked to Ethan's room. Mila wanted a sister so badly because she has only brothers but we turned out to have another boy. She was a little disappointed, but of course, Gerald went to spoil her like he always does. She's his baby girl, his princess. But we tend to argue at how much he's spoiling her. And it's not like he doesn't love his siblings, but this habit stuck onto him from when she was a baby. Hayden is only 4 but he loves staying with Gerald in his recording studio. Gerald even recorded a song with Him. "He calmed down, I hope he'll fall asleep now." Gerald muttered as he rubbed the back of his head when he entered our bedroom again. Gerald and I got married when Mila was one year old. She enjoyed going with us to our honeymoon.

   "I'm so tired." Gerald lied down and I put my head on his chest. He stroked my head with his hand.

   "I think about the fact that I'll stop changing diapers in 3 years." I chuckled. It still means that we need to change diapers for 3 more years. "What?"

   "Three years is a long time."

   "But you still can't believe that Mila is already 7." True... Time flies, doesn't it? "On December 2nd, this year we'll celebrate 10 years anniversary. It feels like we met yesterday. It's going by so fast."

   "I don't think I ever believed in the beginning that we'll be together for more than a few weeks." I murmured.

   "I used my magic on you." We both laughed. He's giving himself too much credit... "And our sex is ama-" I placed my hand on his mouth.

   "You have children in this house who love to stay up at night instead of sleeping and can listen to everything we say." He smiled. Why is he even smiling? Hayden once entered our bedroom while we were in the middle of having sex. It was so fucking embarrassing! And it happened because Gerald forgot to lock the door.

   "You're adorable. If we manage to have sex while Hayden and Ethan sleep at noon, I can say the word sex without them hearing me." He slowly got on top of me. We saw our dog, Phoenix, entering our room. Mila wanted a dog so bad and Gerald answered her wish, of course. Who ends up taking the dog to walks? That's right, me. I'm the one who takes him to walks. However, she's the most adorable pitbull in the world. She's friendly, but she's protective about us. Especially about Ethan since he's is a baby.

   "At least close the door or make sure that they're asleep... And take Phoenix out of our room." his lips placed small kisses on my neck. "Ger..." He sighed.

   "I'm in the mood." He whined and slowly got up. I smiled since I felt amused from the situation. Sometimes he's acting like such a big baby... He took Phoenix out and checked the kids' rooms. After a couple of minutes, he came back. "We are set to go, baby." A smirk appeared on his face. He jumped on top of me and I laughed.

   We all got on Gerald's private jet for his show in the Bay. Gerald took pictures of me and our kids and uploaded it to his social networks. He always takes pictures of us. He's proud of his family and seeing him so devoted is everything I ever wanted.

   "It's Ethan's first time on a plane." I told Gerald as I held Ethan. Ethan seemed really thrilled.

   "Phoenix looks as thrilled as Ethan." Gerald joked. I made a fake laugh. "I thought I was funny." He made an offended face. At least he thinks.

   "Mom... Hayden is annoying." Mila whined, and I held myself from laughing. She fights with a 4 year old. Well, thanks to how spoiled she is, she's very bossy and she wants Hayden to do whatever she feels like. He rebels against her a lot. An independent boy. 

   "But you said that he's adorable last night..." I replied. I'm such a bad mom for joking on my kids...

   "Don't worry, Mila, when we reach to the Bay I'll buy you whatever you-" I hit Gerald's shoulder before he finished his sentence.

   "Stop it, Ger." I warned him. He says the same things my father says. I want my children to get whatever they want. I didn't get to have whatever I wanted when I was at their age, and I want them to get whatever they wish for. I'm fine with them getting things they want, but he gives them anything they want before they even want it. Everything is extremely easy for them to get and it shouldn't be like that. They need to improve their act. Sometimes I get so irritated at how Gerald's not in sync with my education. And they know how to behave well around me. They need boundaries, what Gerald doesn't have. Besides, their grandparents give them so many presents... Just thinking about coming to the Bay makes me think about the amount of presents we'll come back with. It's like no one cares about my educational methods. I never yell and I do anything to validate their feelings. I want them to raise in an accepting environment.

   "I got the hint..." He sighed. He walked to Hayden and picked him up. "Come on, Hayden. We're about to take off."

   "They're finally asleep." I lied on our bed, sighing. "It feels like a déjà vu." Gerald chuckled.

   "Because every night we lie on bed, sighing, relieved that they fell asleep." He smiled. He's right. "It's adorable, in my opinion. We're really young and we have children, we grow up with them."

   "We are, aren't we?" I smiled too. "Thank God to made them fall asleep."

   "You're lucky to have me." He teased, and I rolled my eyes. It made him laugh.

   "More like you're lucky to have me." I teased back.

   "Damn straight I'm lucky, Mrs. Gillum." He tried using his sexy tone, and I burst into laughter.

   "I told you that you need to stop talking like that, you're not sexy." I continued to laugh, and he looked offended.

   "Yes, I am." I shook my head. "That's not what you said last night." I stopped laughing. Oh, that boy!

   "You dirtba-" He placed a small smooch on my lips.

   "You're so adorable when you're angry." He's such a kiss-up. "But the kiddos might hear you say bad words." He's mocking me. He removed his hand from my mouth.

   "You're annoying." He nodded, agreeing with me. I think this is the first time he agrees with me on this...

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