Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I wake to my phone going off, buzzing and ringing. Tiredly, I lean over and check the caller ID. It's Holly. With a small sigh, I hit accept and hold the phone up to my ear.

"Really tired person speaking."

"Alice! I am sososososososo sorry. I don't remember anything about last night, but all I know is that I said something stupid. I always do." I give her a minute to rant on and on about how she is a terrible friend and how she doesn't deserve a friend like me. Finally, I cut her off.

"Holly, Holly! Calm down." I rest my head against the headboard for a moment, closing my eyes. "Take an aspirin if you haven't already. Start recovering from that hangover. Sleep it off, and I mean really sleep. I have some plans for today, so you don't need to worry yourself any, okay? Later tonight you can help me start moving in. I'll send for my stuff still in America. There are some loose ends I'll need to tie up there, but it can be done later."

At this, Holly seems to brighten up, but then she groans. "I feel like crap."

"You drank five glasses of wine. Give or take."

"Uuuuugh. I am so sorry, Alice. That was supposed to be a good night for us."

I chuckle. "If it makes you feel any better, Tom enjoyed it."


"Tom. You know, really tall, blond-slash-ginger hair, gentleman, movie star."

"Wait. Tom HIDDLESTON?" Her voice reaches a pitch loud enough to shatter glass. I flinch, covering my ear.

"Yep. That's the one. You asked him if he was that guy from that movie."

"What movie?"

"Exactly." A long groan answers me.

"Oh my god, I am such an idiot! Now the only thing Tom Hiddleston will think about me is that drunk girl who embarrassed herself." I shake my head in wonder.

"I doubt it. He seemed to enjoy himself." There is a heavy sigh.

"I'm going back to bed. Goodnight." The line goes dead and I laugh a little, setting the phone on the bedside table.

After a moment, I realize that there is no way my body will let me go back to sleep. Surrendering to my now-active brain, I get up out of bed and look around. The room shows evidence of my stay. My clothes are in a pile in the corner, bags from shops lay strewn about the place, and my suitcase is open for everyone to see.

As I bend down to start cleaning, I glance over at the clock, sighing when I realize that I have four hours until my meeting with Tom at the Café. Four long hours.

Good grief! He's a movie star and you only just met him! Why the heck are you mooning over him like a high school crush? I think to myself. Oh, wait, because he is a crush of yours, I answer myself.

I am frustrated with myself due to the fact that Tom evoked feelings from me that I had shut away for many years. Feelings I have shown only one person, and had them trampled over. Was I ready to put myself out there again so soon? And am I really that desperate to go for someone who would, without a doubt, be unavailable? Even if he was available, he surely wouldn't like me, once he got to know me.

But whatever my mind thinks, my heart argues back. With an irritated sigh, I start packing my things, leaving out an outfit for later. As I move around the room, unceremoniously tossing things into the suitcase, my mind wanders to the date, if you can call it that.

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