Chapter 56

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I know this is a long time-jump, but there really isn't much that goes on in between the baby shower and... this time. I am thinking about doing a separate book for one-shots, maybe certain chapters in other people's P.O.V.s. Like the first time Tom and Alice met, but from Tom's Point of view. Would y'all like that? Let me know, and enjoy the chapter! I know it's been a while. :/

"I know it's not the most romantic thing in the world," I say, frowning slightly. "But It's the best I can do without leaving the house. Consider it a late birthday present-slash-early Valentine's Day present." I hand Tom the paper-wrapped package. "I had Sophie help me out a bit."

Tom, grinning a little, takes the parcel from me. "You shouldn't have..." He catches his finger under the ribbon, pulling it off in a swift, graceful movement. I watch, my hands folded over my now-gargantuan belly. I am lying on my side, the only comfortable way I can now lie down.

I watch Tom's face as he pulls the paper off, anxiously awaiting his reaction. He runs his hands over the leather cover of the book in his lap. His fingers trace the words stamped into the smooth brown leather.

Tom and Alice
Est 2019

He opens the cover, revealing the first page, adorned with a picture of Tom and I at the altar. The looks on both of our faces nearly make tears well up in my eyes. Tom looks at the picture before turning the next page, seeing the next picture. It's the first picture I had taken with Tom, that rainy day seemingly forever ago, and yet just yesterday. It's the picture Mr. Alexander had gotten of us when we weren't expecting it. I am laughing, face flushed, as I look up at Tom. His hand is gently resting on my shoulder, and Chris behind us is grinning widely, watching us.

"Wow..." Tom's grin makes me happy.

"Do... do you like it?" I ask, shifting slightly. Tom only nods, turning the next page to look at the picture there.

For a couple of months now I have been preparing this photo album from pictures from my own camera, from the cameras of friends, and even a couple from the paparazzi when they managed to get a good angle.

There are pictures of vacations, time on set, spending time with friends, and attending events. Some of are of just Tom, or just me, or both of us, or simply a picture of a pretty sunset. Nearly one hundred pages of pictures, some with annotations below them. At the very end of the book are about a dozen pages of pictures depicting our wedding and reception, ending with a single picture of Tom and I driving away to go to our Honeymoon.

"Alice, this is wonderful!" Tom exclaims, closing the book gingerly. "How long did it take you to put this together?"

"A couple of months. I had the help of others." I shift again, using my elbow to prop myself up, groaning softly as I do so. "Oh, this one is one of my favorites," I point out the next picture.

It's one Holly had taken from her cellphone camera, that night on my birthday a couple of years ago when Tom had come back after our one-month hiatus. That I caused. But whatever. Holly's comment had been "Remind me to send that to you...when I can properly see the screen." I am wearing a black tank top with a black button-down, the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I am wearing dark jeans and my Dr. Martens. Tom and I are side-by- side on bar stools, me leaning up against the bar, looking at Holly over the rim of my glasses, a Heineken beer bottle in my hand.

At this moment, I am pretty uncomfortable, despite the soft bed. I am nearly at the original due date, and with me carrying twins, that is an amazing feat. Most twins are born early, and are hardly ever carried to term. Dr. Hernandez says that one of the twins is significantly smaller than the other, which could allow for me carrying full term, but could also mean that the smaller baby might have health issues. Needless to say, I am tired, sore, and ready to have these babies. If I don't deliver on the due date, Dr. Hernandez says that she will induce labor for fear that any longer may hurt the children.

"It's amazing," Tom replies, bringing me back to the present. I smile faintly, a warm feeling enveloping me.

"I'm glad you like it," I murmur, leaning back into the pillows. Tom sets the book gently aside, sitting back as well and rolling onto his side so he can face me. He takes my hand, stroking the back of it gently. He kisses it once before holding it gently to his face. I grin, running my thumb over his cheekbone.

"I love you," I whisper, a warm flood of happiness filling me.

"I love you too, my dove." Tom scoots closer to me, embracing me gently. "I am the happiest, luckiest, most loved man on the planet, and I dare any man to challenge me otherwise."

I chuckle, leaning forward to kiss his lips gently, when I gasp quietly.

"What? What?!" Tom sits upright, looking worried.

"I... I think we need to go."

"Why? Alice!"

I grimace, forcing myself to sit up. I push the sheets aside, looking at the wetness there. "Because my water just broke."

Tom curses, leaping from the bed. "I'll get the bags. And call Sophie. You wanted Sophie, right? I'll call mum she'll want to be there. And Patrick. Should I call America? What about Mr. Alexander? The hospital! I'll call them. Oh, god. Let me help you." Tom helps me stand from the bed. As I am waddling down the stairs, he hands me my coat, hoisting my overnight bag under his arm.

He helps me into our new car-one we'd bought to accommodate our growing family. Once the bags and the things for the babies are in the car, Tom jumps in, starts the car, and peals out from in front of the house, almost taking the corner on two wheels.

Halfway to the hospital, the contractions begin. We get caught at a red light, and Tom reluctantly stops the car, growling under his breath.

"It's okay, Tom," I say, taking a deep breath as I do. "We're almost there."

"Are you okay? Have the contractions started?" Tom looks frantic. He sounds even more so.

"Yes, and yes. But calm down. We're fine." I take another deep breath. "Just, try to keep the car on two wheels."

"Calm down? Calm down?!" Tom stares at me, incredulous.

"Yes, calm down!" I gasp, holding my swollen belly. "Stress is not a helping factor, Tom!" The car lurches into movement, and I close my eyes.

Finally, we make it to the hospital. Sophie and Ben are there in the waiting room, looking tired and anxious. Dr Hernandez is there also, having been alerted that we were on our way. I groan softly, accepting Sophie's help. Dr Hernandez runs up to us, taking my other hand.

"Let's get her into a wheel chair." A contraction, stronger than the one before, forces me to pause, leaning on the two women at my side. This is going to be so much fun...

Once the contraction has passed, Sophie helps me into a wheelchair. I see Tom run in the door, having let Ben park the car.

"Who's with the kids?" I ask Sophie, feeling bad that they had been called out this late.

"We had pre-arranged with the nanny to take care of them." She brushes my hair out of my face. "Don't worry about it."

Tom comes up to my side, taking my hand as Dr. Hernandez begins to wheel me down the hall. He looks panicked, and I can't help but smile. I squeeze his hand gently, trying to reassure him and his apparent terror.

"Everything will be alright, Tom," Dr. Hernandez says, setting a hand on Tom's shoulder. "The babies are healthy, especially sense Alice, here, carried them to term, and she herself is in good health. There shouldn't be any major complications, as far as we can see." She gives him a smile. "I understand as a first-time father, this is stressing, but remaining calm will be the best thing you can do for Alice."

"Major complications? As far as we can see?" Tom asked, still looking stressed. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Tom," Sophie says quietly, leaving my side to take his arm. "Come here a second."

Tom reluctantly stops, while Dr. Hernandez keeps wheeling me down the hallway to the elevator.

"Is he always so anxious?" Dr. Hernandez asks.

"Not always," I manage, closing my eyes as another contraction comes. We are on the elevator before it subsides once more. "But like you said, he is a first-time father. This is my second time doing something like this."

"I remember from your file," Dr. Hernandez replies, her tone a little sad. "But because of that pain you suffered, this joy should be all the greater for you."

We get to the room assigned to me, and Dr. Hernandez helps me change into a hospital gown and then into the bed. She begins hooking me up to certain machines, and I try and relax. Tom arrives with Ben and Sophie, which makes me a little less stressed. Ben's presence seems to have calmed Tom a bit. Sophie pulls a chair up to the side of the bed, taking my hand in hers.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"The contractions are still a distance apart," I say slowly, breathing deeply. "But one thing's for sure, this won't be fun."

Tom comes to sit at my other side, his hands fidgeting. I take one to keep him still. He glances over at me, a little pale. His phone begins ringing, and he picks it up after looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah, mum. We're up here." He frowns. "I do not know, let me ask." Tom gives my hand a squeeze before standing. He leaves the room, the phone still to his ear.

"It's kind of cute to see him so panicked," I tell Sophie and Ben, my head tilting back into the pillows. "He's usually composed when I'm the one panicking."

"You have a weird taste in what you think is cute," Ben replies, grinning. I shrug, but then stop as another contraction begins. This one stronger than the last time. I groan softly, gritting my teeth.

Once the contraction has subsided, I relax a bit, trying to even out my breathing. Sophie rubs my forearm gently, trying to soothe me.

"You ready to be a mum?" she asks me. I manage a shaky laugh.

"No, not really. I—" My words are cut off as Tom comes back into the room. He gives me a smile, sitting down next to me.

"Only a certain number of people can be in here for the delivery." he says, taking my hand. "The limit is three people, alright?"

"We can switch out with whoever comes in," Sophie says, glancing over at Tom. I nod a little, taking a deep breath.

"Who all's here?" I ask.

"Mum is on her way down, and Mr. Alexander and Elizabeth are waiting in the waiting room at the end of the hall." He grins. "America says that if I hadn't woken her for this, I'd be dead. She sends her regards and demands pictures later."

"Sounds like America," I murmur, smiling.

Then another contraction starts, and I close my eyes, reaching for Tom's hand.

Oh GOD that hurts! I grit my teeth, screeching.

"Come on, Mum, push!"

"It's okay, Alice. You're almost done!"

"I can see the head!"

I scream, the pain feeling like I'm being ripped in two. I curse in a stream, conscious of nothing but the agony.

Tom is holding my hand on one side, his other hand supporting my back. Sophie is on my other side, holding my other hand. Diana is there also, smoothing my hair back. A stab of an even sharper pain builds in my stomach somewhere, and I cry out.

"Can we give her endorphins?" I hear Tom vaguely ask. I think it's Tom.

"I think it's her damaged uterus!"

"Prepare for an emergency cesarean, if her uterus isn't able to push."

"Is that necessary?!" Tom's panicked voice reaches me over the fog of pain. I grip his hand tighter, still pushing.

"Push, Alice!" I hear Dr. Hernandez. "I need you to push as hard as you can!"

I do as I am told, focusing all of my strength into getting my children into this world safely. I let out a scream, the pain and the strain becoming too much. Just as I am worried that I won't have the strength, I crest the wave, feeling something give.

"Good, good!" I hear one of the doctors say. My eyes are glued to Tom's face, who is staring towards the foot of the bed, a look of shock and adoration on his face. I then hear a small cry that sends an odd warmth through me. I lift my head, seeing Dr. Hernandez holding a small figure in her hands.

"It's a boy," She whispers, making eye contact with me. I sob quietly, a smile spreading over my face. But as she is handing my son over to be taken care of, a new wave of pain flows through me.

"You're almost done," Sophie whispers. "One more big push!"

An eternity later, and another moment of worry that I won't have the strength, and another small cry reaches my ears. I slump, back utterly exhausted.

"It's a girl," I hear vaguely from the fog of the release of pain. I force my eyes open, staring up at Tom. His grin is the look of inexpressible joy. A few seconds later, a nurse approaches me, the two children in her arms. She hands them to me, a wide smile on her face. I tilt my head slightly, supported by Tom's hand, to look at our children.

"Looks like dad just won £100," Tom whispers, making me laugh quietly. I am vaguely aware of nurses around me, checking my vitals.

"Would you like to cut the cords, dad?" Dr. Hernandez asks, holding a pair of scissors out to Tom. He takes them, hands shaking slightly. After the umbilical cords have been cut and tied off, the babies are taken gently from me.

"We're going to clean them up and make sure they're healthy, alright?" Dr. Hernandez whispers to me. I nod faintly, groaning softly. As a nurse is taking care of the children, Dr Hernandez checks me over.

"It seems that there was some strain on your uterus," She tells me. "You will want to give it time to heal before trying to get pregnant again."

Tom and I mutter our assent as she smiles faintly, standing upright. I feel someone smoothing my hair back and turn my head, looking up at Diana and Sophie. I am surprised to see that both have tears in their eyes. Sophie gives my hand a gentle squeeze before telling me that she is going to tell the small group of people awaiting news in the waiting room.

I smile faintly, but yawn tiredly as I do.

"Well done, Alice." Diana whispers, taking my hand.

"Thanks," I croak, my throat dry. Tom takes a hint, rushing off to find something for me to drink and comes back with a bottle of water. He looks a little unsteady on his feet himself.

It takes a few minutes, but some nurses come and help me clean up before moving me to a postnatal room. I am feeling a little fresher now that I'm not covered in... all sorts of stuff. This room is bigger, so more of the people waiting can visit. But right now, it's just Tom and I.

A few minutes later, Dr. Hernandez walks in, two nurses wheeling incubators behind her.

"How are you feeling, Alice?" She asks me. I smile, sighing a bit.

"Tired." I manage. She chuckles.

"Undergoing labor for nine hours does that to you," She murmurs, earning a quiet laugh from Tom and I. "But we're here to fill out the birth certificates. Do you think you can help us with that?" I nod, yawning again. "I promise I will let you sleep afterwards." Another quiet round of laughter.

"Do you have names for the children?" Dr Hernandez asks. Tom responds, smiling proudly.

"The girl is Holly Diana; the boy is George Alexander."

"Very pretty names," Dr. Hernandez replies, filling in the information. "Alright, both babies are healthy, but a little small. We're going to keep them here just until tomorrow afternoon, alright? Just to make sure that Mum here and the children are healthy."

Tom nods, leaning down to kiss my forehead gently.

"Little George is 2.49 kilograms," Dr Hernandez says, "and is about 49 centimeters long." She glances over at me. "That's about 5 and a half pounds, and a little more than nineteen inches." She smiles, sitting back. "And Holly is a bit smaller than her brother at 2.3 kilograms and 45 centimeters. We're keeping a closer eye on her, just because she is smaller."

Tom takes my hand smiling faintly. A single tear rolls down his face, and he wipes it away quickly. I chuckle, Squeezing his hand in mine.

"Well, how about we hand them to Mum, so they can feed, yes?" One of the nurses lifts one of the twins. When they are settled, one of the nurses directs me how to hold the children feed. After rooting around, the babies find what they are looking for.

The nurses tell me they will let people in when the babies have finished nursing, then leave me and Tom alone.

"They're beautiful," I whisper, looking down at my two children.

"They are," Tom murmurs, leaning close to me. He kisses my head gently, watching the babies.

I think I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes again, Tom is helping a nurse lift the children from my breast and putting them back into their incubators. Tom helps me make myself decent again as I begin to drift back out of consciousness. I feel Tom give me a gentle kiss on the forehead, whispering to me that he will be staying the night. I can't find the strength to protest and drift away to the best sleep I have had in a long while.

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