Chapter 14

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"Yes? Hello?" I hold the phone up to my ear, still waking up. Who the hell is waking me at three in the morning?

"Hello, Alice?"

"Jack?" I lean against the headboard, yawning. "Why are you calling me so early?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure that you're ready. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"No... why?"

"Because," he chuckles quietly as if anticipating his own words, "I was hoping you could start your new job of running your own column: photos, journalism, the works. Though, for the first few months, I, myself, will give you your projects. Would it be too much to ask you to start tomorrow?"

I am in shock. "Um... uh... well... I... uh..." I blink a few times, before managing to gather my thoughts. "Oh my gosh. Yes! Yesyesyes!" I am grinning like an idiot, despite the early hour. "What time do you want me in?"

"Would eight be too early? I have a spare office ready for you. Do you have your own laptop? Or would you rather have another one for work?"

I listen to the river of questions before answering each one. "Eight is fine. And I do have my own laptop. I don't need to inconvenience you."

"Are you sure? It'd be no problem."

"I'm sure. Thank you, though." I yawn. "What's my project?"

"You'll get it in the morning."

"It is the morning."

"Yeah, yeah. You'll get it when you come in. I'll have the things you'll need ready in your office. Have a good night, or what's left of it, Alice."

"Mhmm. You too, Jack." I hang up with a sigh, setting my phone face-down. With the room cloaked in darkness, I am able to drift back to sleep for a couple of hours, before waking to my alarm.

I lever myself into a sitting position, trying to wake up before actually torturing my poor eyes with the brightness of the lamp. Once I am relatively sure I won't be blinded for life, I flip on the light and begin getting ready for the day. I take a quick shower first, and then blow-dry my hair while waiting for the coffee to brew downstairs. Once I am dressed in a casual outfit of jeans, a navy-blue collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of my favorite Dr. Martens, I grab my backpack, outfitted with a section for both my laptop and my camera, and hurry downstairs.

I am halfway through my cup of coffee when a voice startles me. "Why are you up so early?" After taking a moment to restart my heart, I turn to face Holly, standing in the doorway. She looks exhausted, and she should be. I didn't get back from Tom's until nearly midnight, and Holly wasn't even home yet.

"I got the job at The Mail. Jack asked me to come in this morning."

"What time does he want you in?"

"He said eight. But I want to be there early, and I also have to get a ride there." Holly stumbles over to the sink and begins making herself some tea.

"You can use Joel's old car. He left it when he got his new one to impress his fiancé," she says, turning to face me once more. "It's not the best, but it runs, and it'll get you where you need to go."

"Thank you, Holly. I appreciate it."

"Not a problem," Holly replies through a yawn.

We sit for a few minutes in silence, sipping our respective drinks, and watching the dawn approach the horizon. I refill my cup and sit back down, just as my phone buzzes.

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