Chapter 47

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Have you ever slept so well, and for so long, that it feels like a year has passed, and you've slept peacefully straight through it? Well that was what waking up on the first morning of my honeymoon was like.

I stir a little, yawning as I do. I am lying on Tom's bare chest, my head nestled in the crook of his neck. His arms are wrapped around me, and I can feel his breath in my hair.

Slowly, so I don't wake Tom, I sit up, ducking out of his embrace. I pull out the blanket to cover my chest and look down at my husband.

He sleeps so peacefully, a light smile curling his lips. His ginger hair is messed up and all over the place. I blush, remembering how that happened.

I am contemplating getting up to go take a shower when Tom's eyes flicker open. Those eyes, always so dazzling, immediately catch my gaze, holding me to the spot.

"Good morning, my dove." His voice is thick with sleep. He gives me a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"I think so," I smirk. "I was worn out." His pale cheeks color slightly. I chuckle. "Anyways, I am thinking about a shower, and then going for a swim. Are you coming with me?"

Tom reaches up and pulls me down back to him, kissing me gently. I giggle into his lips, making him smirk. Suddenly, he rolls us over, my hands pinned above my head.

"Why go outside when we can stay in? This bed is comfortable enough." His lips make contact with the skin on my neck, tracing the path he had taken last night. I am lost in the sensation and close my eyes for a few minutes. Tom groans softly, nipping at my sensitive skin. I gasp a little, tugging against his hands.

After a while, I finally manage to convince Tom to let me go. I give him a long, drawn-out kiss on the lips before sliding out of the bed and heading to the bathroom. I can feel his eyes on me the entire way. When I reach the double doors that lead to the bathroom, I turn to look back at Tom. He is lying sprawled out on the bed, the blanket barely covering his waist. It takes all of my willpower to not return to the bed for some more... horizontal activities, and instead I turn and enter the bathroom itself.

We are on Royal Davui Island in Fiji. Tom had kept the destination a secret until we landed, which wasn't hard to do, what with using Bobby's plane. We had landed on a small, private airstrip on a side island and then had taken a boat to the resort. Lucky us, there was hardly anyone else around. The staff was known for being very responsible with privacy, so hopefully, no word of our wedding would break the news until later.

Tom, of course, went all-out and got the plunge pool suite, teamed with the honeymoon package. We are living the life.

The entire villa itself is an open-concept plan, so we always have an amazing view of the gorgeousness around us. Since it is the most elite suite, we have the most privacy one could ask for. We have our own personal plunge pool, sun deck, dining area, and beach with easy access. We have no neighbors around us for quite a ways, and the maids that come twice a day to clean have to take a car to get here.

If we wanted, we could take the car offered by the island to the breakfast in the center of the resort- closer to where most of the villas are—or we can stay here and have the food brought to us. There is refrigerator stocked with food and drink, and we can call for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The bedroom itself faces the beach. The king-sized bed has drapes of mosquito netting, to pull around us should there be any problem with the... wildlife.

The villa also has air conditioning, but Tom and I have opted for just the natural breeze coming off of the ocean. We get the perfect view of the sunset from our bed, not that we got to see it last night. He had gotten in a little late, and the hours were off. But we still had some fun before crashing.

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