Chapter 26

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1 week later

"Come on, Alice. You have to do something on your 36th birthday!" (She's older than I thought XD)

"Wheeee." I deadpan, taking a swig from the liquor bottle.

"Come on, Alice! I've had this date marked for ages."

"I can't do the math, when were you born?" Patrick asks from the other side of the living room, near the fireplace.

"April 13, 1982," I reply, blowing out air through my nose. I knock back another swallow of the liquor, feeling the burn run down my throat and settle in my stomach. Holly sighs, taking the bottle from me swiftly.

"Can't you get drunk with friends at the pub?" Holly complains.

I stare up at her, trying to make up my mind. "Why?" I whisper. "Why can't you just let me be?"

"Because for the last month or so you have been depressed and ignoring civilization. All you want to do is get drunk and drown your pain." Holly snaps, frowning. "At least you can let yourself drown your sorrows with me by your side."

I can see a flicker of hurt in her gaze, and guilt stabs me in the gut. She has been so kind and supportive, and I have just been a royal pain.

"God, Holly. You're right. I'm sorry." I stand, head spinning from the sudden blood rush. She hugs me close.

"Great! I have the perfect place in mind!"


I lean up against the bar, watching as the bartender fills my shot glass with the strong stuff. Holly grins at me, her glass already in hand.

"Cheers to the birthday girl!" Her, Patrick and I click our tumblers together and knock back the drink.

The effect is instantaneous as the liquid courage hits the back of my throat. I swallow, feeling the fire make its way down my esophagus and settling in my stomach.

"Alright, alright! That's what I'm talking about!" I cheer, slamming the glass down. Holly does the same, and we both laugh.

"Did you just quote 'Hamilton'? Patrick asks." I grin, chuckling again.

"I didn't know you Brits listened to that musical about a superb American founding father!" I beckon to the bartender. "Another round, please, and then three pints." The bartender nods, flashing me a smile.

"Drinking hard tonight?"

"Heeeeell yes!" Holly wraps an arm around my shoulders. "It's this pretty girl's birthday!" I am already partially drunk, so I lapse into a fit of laughter, doubling over.

The bartender laughs with us. "Well then, this round's on the house." He hands us the liquor and beers.

Ten minutes later, we're all on the dance floor, getting drunk or—in my case—already drunk.

Holly and Patrick are really gutting the moves to rocking tunes, and I am left to dance with whoever will have me. I go from one guy to another, and they accept me gladly, some of them trying to cop a feel, but that is where I stop, and back away, disappearing once more into the crowd.

Finally, Holly finds me again, towing someone with her. And it isn't Patrick, because he's following behind both of them, his eyes watching my face.

I forget out to breathe. My head tips further and further back as Holly tows him closer. I swallow, trying to decide whether or not to flee. Both Holly and Patrick watch the two of us with anxious eyes.

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