2: The Code

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Amy and I woke up beside each other in one room.
This. Was. Awkward.
Well, not too awkward.
The thing was, Amy and I had been friends in the past. But after she started getting close to my brother and his mates she grew apart from Netty and my friends.
I had always been so torn with friendship groups.
I love my brother, David loves me too but his friends..?
David had been best mates with Stampy a couple years ago, leading me to meet Netty. Our friendship grew as Stampy and Squid's fell apart.
Now I was stuck in an awkward position.
A really awkward position.
Why was Amy asleep on top of me?
"Amy?" I whispered, we were in a room with four walls and a door on each wall. I was so confused. What was happening. Where is everyone?

"Netty?!" Ash shrieked, glaring at me.
"Ash?!" I yelled back. "What on earth are you doing here?!"
"I could ask you the same question... Where's the others?" Ash asked me.
He had a point. I hadn't a clue where everyone else was. But whoever put us here should have known rightly that Ash and I do not get along.
We just sat awkwardly .. Unsure what to do.
I leant against the wall until the the lights flicked three times.
This is a dream.. Isn't it? So can't I just wake up... Or can I? I remember hearing someone say about the lights flickering three times..

The loud speakers started squeaking.
A computer generated female voice spoke.
"Hello, welcome to the Great Game. Here all seven of you have been placed, in pairs, in four different rooms. There are four doors: one on each wall. You can only open one of the doors. Only one of the doors is correct, and will lead you to the rest of your team. On each door there is a keypad. Simply enter the four-digit number code to unlock your desired door. Good luck."
After the voice finished speaking my mouth dropped.
"What?!" I shouted with confusion, "how on earth are we supposed to know which door is right and the passcode to unlock it?!"
Sqaishey was sitting with her back against a wall, thinking of which way we had to go.
"Wait." I said, something was wrong about what the speaker had said.
"What is it?"
"Seven. The speaker said 'all seven' placed in 'pairs.' " I said, "you can't split seven into pairs. There is one left over."
"-and.. Wasn't there supposed to be eight of us? Me, you, Stampy, Nicole, Amy, Ash, Tom and Netty. That's eight right?" Sqaishey added.
My mouth dropped in realisation.. We were getting somewhere.
"So what about the doors- any ideas?" Sqaishey asked.
I stood up, stretching my back before inspecting each door.
They all looked the same. Nothing was obviously different about one of them. I started knocking the doors, two knocks on each. All the knocks had the same pitch. They were all the same thickness.
"What about the walls?" Sqaishey advised, standing up to help.
I put my ear to the wall and knocked it. For the three that I tested they all had very little sound, there was a thick wall beside the door.
But the fourth door.
I knocked the wall beside it and it was hollow, there was a louder sound.. This must be the correct door! A hollow wall, suggesting that there's something behind it..
"Okay so what is the key code going to be?" I wondered, looking at the keypad. None of the numbers had fingerprint marks on them, so there were no obvious numbers to press,
"It must be something to do with the fact that the speaker said seven instead of eight." Sqaishey inputed.
"Well maybe she meant it.. Maybe there are only seven people.. The eighth person.. Whoever that is.. Could have gotten out somehow." I deducted.
"Eight turns to seven.." Beth sighed.. "Do you reckon two of the numbers are 8 and 7?"
"Possibly..." I said, but what about the other two numbers.. What could they be..?
The lights flicked three times.
Dream.. Yes.. This is a dream.. But there's no obvious way of killing myself.. Wait.. Three..
"Three!" I exclaimed. "That must be one of the numbers! That's twice that the lights have flickered three times!"
"Two, three! The other two numbers!" Beth jumped excitedly. "But.. How do we know what order the numbers are in?"
"Lowest to highest? 2,3,7,8? Wouldn't that be a reasonable method?" Beth suggested.
"No... It shouldn't be that simple.." I said, "it's a bluff..."

"Well if it's not in order of lowest to highest then what is it?" Ash asked me,
"Wouldn't it be the order we found them in?" I suggested,
"How do you mean?"
"Well... We realised that the speaker said 'all seven of you.." So 7 would be first.."
"Oh! I get you! And then we realised that there initially 8 of us..." 7,8
"And then that the lights flickered three times, twice." 7,8,3,2 had we figured it out?
I went over to the number pad on our correct door and raised my hand to type..

"Wait!" Sqaishey yelled as I was about to type. I immediately pulled my hand away. We only had one attempt at this, we could not mess it up.
"What is it?" I asked her.
"The lights.. They flickered three times.. Didn't you figure that out before we were given the task... I mean.. Shouldn't the code be 3,7,8,2
My mouth dropped... She was right.. She was.. Undoubtably right..
"And you're sure on this.." I asked, looking into her eyes.
"God I hope so... Don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life.."
I turned to type in the code.
But a feeling of nausea kicked me.
What if this is all wrong? What if the code we thought of was nonsense?! For all we know we could have the wrong door! This could be a huge trick! We could be stuck here forever..
I typed in the digits. Hoping that the door would open..

Btw schedule for this book is Sunday ~7pm and Wednesday ~11pm

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