7: Crime Scene

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When I woke up I immediately noticed another note on the floor, stating 14 hours left.
I almost felt sick. Fourteen hours left to convince Stampy that I loved Beth or he would die. Stampy was my friend, although we hadn't spoken in months, he used to be one of my best friends, we'd spend almost the whole day chatting and laughing.. Why it stopped I don't know..
Beth slept in the other bed, it was warmer tonight, and I felt awful after we hooked up last night, what was I thinking? I was out of my mind.. Was there some kind of magnet that made me kiss her? It wasn't even just that.. I wanted more, and if Stampy hadn't walked in I probably would have got more.
"Morning." Beth moaned, yawning and stretching. I pointed towards the sheet of paper on the ground stating our time limit. Her eyes widened and started to water.
"It's alright.." I soothed her,
"It's not.. It's only fourteen hours he's- he's gonna-"
"Fourteen hours is a long time. We've got until 10pm tonight- alright. We can do this Beth." I assured her. "Come on get dressed, make this day as long as possible."

I woke up feeling dizzy. Amy and I sat beside each other in pain. I was so hungry, everyone had access to food meanwhile we were sitting here ready to starve.
"You okay Amy?" I breathed, my eyes were painfully dry.
Amy nodded. I took her hand.
"Tom I think I'm gonna die," she whispered, her eyes turning red,
"Don't worry Amy.. We'll get through.." I told her,
"Tom.. I don't know if we will anymore.." She admitted, "I'm sorry." Her jaw started to shake. I had lost all the energy to argue or inspire her, so I just sat.

I had almost given up hope when the speaker started to speak.
"Tom and Amy have a chance to escape the cell." It began, making my head rise,
"However only one person can leave. The door will unlock for five seconds- one person must stay inside at all times, or Sqaishey will die. Choose wisely."
Amy and I looked at each other.
"Amy- go." I told her.
"No I'm not leaving you!" She argued.
"Amy if I go with you Sqaishey will die. You heard her! That door is going to open in about five seconds and I need to see you go through it!"
"No- Tom!" She begged.
The door started vibrating- it had unlocked.
"Go!" I yelled.
Amy ran to the door and opened it, taking one last look at me before closing it behind her.

I walked into the living room before I noticed that Ash's corpse was still there.
I kneeled down beside it, I needed to at least try and figure out who it was that killed him.
He had a bruise on his left eye and he had been stabbed in the stomach.
"The murderer is right-handed." I deduced.
"What? How can you tell?" Beth asked, leaning beside me.
"Hello?" I heard a new voice, I turned around to see Amy.
"Amy?! How'd you get out? Where's Tom?" I exclaimed,
"It's. Complicated.."
"He's not dead is he?"
"No- the speaker insisted one of us left and.. well.. tom insisted I did- we couldn't both leave.. someone's life was on it." She looked at Sqaishey.
Netty walked out of her room at the same time as Stampy.
"Everyone come here!" I called, I placed a piece of paper and a pen on the table.
"What are you doing? A handwriting test?" Stampy laughed, while he was here, I thought of it as a good idea to put my hand on sqaishey's waist- she knew what I was doing.
"What do you expect me to write?" Stampy asked, he was annoyed, I could sense that much.
"Your name." I said. He wrote the words Joseph Garrett.
Right handed.
"Step over there." I ordered, pointing him to the door.
"You onto something?" He asked. Trying to figure out what I was doing.
Amy wrote her name, she was right handed as well.
Netty, however, was left handed.
"Netty didn't kill Ash." I stated.
"And how can you tell us that?" Stampy asked.
"She's left handed. Try punching someone in the left side of their face with your left hand- it's not normal- also- the knife in his stomach- it's turned clockwise- to the right. Of course it's a right-handed person! Netty may have been out of the room while you found his body- but Ash was probably there for hours before you found him." I explained.
Everyone was silent.
"So Amy and I are the suspects?" Stampy concluded. "Wow. And what if you're wrong? What if it's one of you two?" He asked.
"I can vouch for Beth- I was with her the whole time." I said,
"I agree- I know it's not David." Beth added,
"Well we can't! For all we know you two could have teamed up and killed Nicole and Ash! Tom can probably vouch for Amy! But guess what- no one can vouch for me! No one but myself!" Stampy yelled, "you two write down your names, you're both right handed too. We have four suspects now, David. You're a suspect too. See how the tables have turned."
I glared into Stampy's eyes with imminent fear. I had my own suspects.
I picked up the sheet of paper and walked back into my room.
"Wow you were really clever out there." Beth said,
"Should've made a move.. everyone hates us now- how will kissing you in front of them change a thing."
"Stampy just feels threatened- he's trying to be tougher than he actually is."
My eyes widened- I had an idea.
I took the piece of paper that  the murderer wrote to us saying fourteen hours and compared it with the handwriting samples we got off the others today.
"They all look different." I said, trying to see any similarities.
"Well- the murderer obviously changed their handwriting- you would, wouldn't you- if you were a suspect."
I nodded,
"At least we narrowed it down." I sighed as Sqaishey rested her head against me, reminding me of something.
"Wait- if Stampy is going to die if we don't convince him we love each other- who will kill him?"
Beth's eyes widened,
"The only other suspect.."

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