6: Twisted

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I was talking to Tom and Amy, my back against the locked door.
"Are you sure that they're no way to get us out.. Or at least get us some food?" Amy asked, although she sounded better off than Tom. Suspiciously better.. Although I was suspicious of everyone, so she was probably completely innocent.
"I'm sorry I can't see any way, I've checked." I assured her, "and there's no way of getting any type of food under that door. Not even a slice of ham, although I know you wouldn't eat it anyway Amy."
"Ha.. I'm almost tempted to start eating Tom now." Amy laughed.
I heard a shriek from somewhere around the living room,
"I gotta go, somethings happened." I told them, standing up and running to find the rest of my friends.
When I went back into the room everyone was panicked. David had been sick and was shaking furiously, meanwhile Beth and Joe were looking at each other in fear. Their hands shaking.
"What happened?!" I asked, taking David's hands and staring into his eyes, trying to calm him down.
"Get away from him!" Joe ordered me, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me outside the door.
"What happened?!" I yelled,
"Ash!" Stampy yelled,
"What?! David obviously didn't do it!" I yelled, defending Squid.
"I'm not talking about David I'm talking about you! You weren't in the room with us when he was killed! There's no one else that could have done it!" He said, everyone glared at me in fear.

I was lying on the ground in absolute pain.
My eyes couldn't focus..
Another one dead.
The two people I cared most about in all the world were dead.
My lips started to jutter as I glared at Netty at the other side of the room. Sqaishey and Stampy leaned in front of me. She was getting the blame for this, I was too exhausted to blame anyone else, I didn't know how Ash died or what killed him, but I needed to get to the bottom of this.

"Do you think you can stand?" Stampy asked me, putting an arm over my back and under my arms, he helped me up, my legs felt weak and my chest felt weaker, every breath was a struggle.
We walked into the hall, it seemed fine.. But behind the sofa there seemed to be a foot that stuck out.
"Oh Jesus.. No... No.." I covered my mouth with my hand. "No I can't see this now.. Don't move his body.. I can't look at him now.." I told Stampy and Sqaishey. Nausea hit me, I made my way towards Sqaishey and my bedroom.
Sqaishey ran towards me and helped to support me while walking.
"I'm okay.. I'm okay.." I told her, Stampy walked off into his own room.
When I opened the door to the room he lights flickered three times before revealing a note on the ground.
The note had brown drooping writing on it. I closed the door behind us to avoid anyone else seeing this bus Beth and I.
It was only when I picked up the note that I realised that the text was written in blood.
Stampy's life is at risk. You have to convince him that you two are in love, or he will be killed. You have 24 hours.
Beth and I looked at each other. How would the murderer know if Stampy feels convinced? How would they kill him?
"How.." I began.
"I'm not doing this. I can't. Stampy has helped me through so much- I can't and I won't." Beth began,
"I don't know who has killed Nicole and Ash but I can assure you that-"
"Beth! his life is at risk!" I yelled, this made her listen, "now if you really love him you'll do this. You can't be the one to kill him! Nor can I!"
"I would never kill him-"
"Well you will if you don't do this.. If we don't convince him in the next 24 hours.."
I looked down and sat on the bed. Confused and afraid. I was in pain, but I tried to ignore it.
This is a dream.. Keep it together.. This never happened.. No one will know..
"Then.. How? How could I convince Joe that.. That I love you." Beth asked me,
I bit my lip, walking over to her.
She looked into my eyes, I took her hands.
We were close: the doors were closed, the house was silent.
"I'll put a hand on your shoulder." Beth said, doing so.
"Now put a hand on my waist." She added, guiding my anxious hand into position on her slim waist.
Our faces were close, our gaze was fixed.
"Kiss me." She whispered.
I was shocked at her request. But her eyes closed and my head seemed to automatically tilt, as if this was fate.
Our lips touched in the instant. My eyelids closed as I slowly shut my mouth over her lips. My eyes opened after seconds as our lips pulled apart. My hands had drifted up to her face and hers to mine.
"Like that?" I breathed, our noses touching.
"Yeh.. Just like that.."
After just a few seconds she had pinned me up against the wall, my lips had locked with hers, I leaned her down on the bed and began to crawl on top of her, all my fears disappeared like the unbuttoning buttons of my shirt.
The door knocked, I ran into a small room connected and closed the door suddenly.
"Come in." Sqaishey said, sitting on her bed and looking up to greet Stampy.
"Hi.. you alright..? I heard noises."
"Yeah- yeah I'm fine.. I'm fine.." she began, standing up and leaning her head against his shoulder before whispering in Stampy's ear,
"David.. still trying to get over everything.. he's went into that small room- assume he's either crying or getting changed.."
Stampy blankly smiled, kissing Sqaishey's forehead. "It'll take time." He whispered to her, Sqaishey nodded as he kissed her neck. Guilt protruding from her face.
"I.. I better get to bed.." Sqaishey told him, kissing his cheek. "Good night."
"Night." Stampy responded, unsatisfied. He walked out of the room.
I felt horrified at what I had done with Sqaishey.. and more horrified in that fact that I was supposed to pretend to fall in love with her.. not actually fall in love with her..

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