3: Suspicion

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The door, to our amazement, unlocked.
"Oh my god!" Sqaishey cheered, I clenched my fists with achievement, giving Sqaishey a high-five before pulling her into a hug.
Already I was beginning to see that this 'Great Game' was beginning to work.. she and I had become closer.

We opened the door slowly, unsure what was behind. I stood in front of Sqaishey, as if to protect her.
There was a bigger room, with only three doors and two single beds.
The room was a dusty blue colour, the floors were a light oak which matched the skirting board. There were no windows. And the lighting was yellow. I hadn't a clue where we were.
The speaker spoke again, as the lights flickered three times. This is a dream.. Yes.. It's a dream.. So why can't I wake up?
"This is your bedroom. The two of you will share a room for the following three nights. Under no circumstances will you sleep in any other room."
But we're already sleeping... Aren't we?
"What is with all these rules?! What is going on?!" Sqaishey cried.
Then out of nowhere we heard someone calling,
"Sqaishey?! Beth?!"
"Stampy.." Sqaishey breathed, her eyes dilated and her lips parted slightly, "where is he?"

Amy put in the pin we suggested, 7,8,3,2 but nothing happened. No obvious sign that the door had unlocked.
"Amy.. " I began, standing up,
"I think.. I think we got it wrong.." She said, shivering.
I pulled and pushed at the door. Trying to knock it down. But nothing happened.
"How do we get out of here?!" I yelled.
"We can't be stuck.. Surely there's some other way.."
The lights flickered three times.. I almost chocked.. I can just wake up.. Out of this nightmare.. I can just leave.. Step away..
I tried to blink, but I was still here, trapped. It was as if I was going to be stuck down here forever.. Why was this dream like this? Why was there not something supernatural or completely impossible about this dream? When is the scenario going to completely change.. Why does this feel so real..

I was too cautious to sit down on any of the beds. I didn't want to sleep in the same room as Sqaishey, in fact I didn't want any of this, I wanted Nicole.. I didn't have a clue where she was or who she was with- was she alone? I got her into all of this mess, I needed to find her, I needed today get to her.
All of a sudden one of the doors in the room opened and I saw Stampy's head pop in.
"Oh my god you're here!" He exclaimed, running to Beth and hugging her. Their bond almost made me jealous.. That those two had each other and i didn't have Nicole.
"Where is everyone else?" I asked Stampy, trying to distract him from the lips of his girlfriend.
"Netty and Ash are in here, but there's no sign of Amy, Nicole or Tom." He responded.
My eyes widened,
"Nicole?" I asked, hoping I misheard him.
"Yeah, no idea where they are. I'm sure they'll turn up."
I followed him out the door into a lounge area where Netty and Ash sat talking, they looked friendly together, they had never been like that before.

As Joe, Squid and Sqaishey walked into the room I noticed that Squid was pale as a ghost. While the other two were smiling he looked as if he was panicking.
"Are you alright?" I asked him in sympathy, the two of us hadn't really gotten along that well either, but I always looked out for someone who looked as Squid did at the moment.
"I.. I'm j-just.."
Everyone turned, facing Squid.
"I just want to find my girlfriend and my brother.. I feel awful about leaving them."
"You never left them." I assured him.
"Well they aren't here! Where are they! Why can't we see them? I want my girlfriend! I want Tom! I want Amy!"
"Help!" We heard someone yell.
Everybody turned in confusion, who just yelled?

Stampy clutched Sqaishey's hand and put her behind him. I walked towards where the yell came from, there was a door.
"Hello?!" I yelled, running towards the door, I clutched the door handle but it wouldn't budge. "Hello who's in there?!"
"Dee?! Is that you?! It's Tom! Tom and Amy!"
"Tom?! Are you guys okay?! Can't you get out?!" I asked him, putting my back into the door.
"It's locked shut. Must have got the passcode wrong.. Anything from your side?" He asked,
"Nothing.. Just a.. Plain door. Is Nicole in there with you?" I asked him,
"Nicole? No. Just Amy and me."
My mouth dropped slightly in confusion.. Where is Nicole? I need to see her! She must be on her own!
Stampy continued to try and rescue Tom and Amy while I walked away. My thoughts spinning in my wicked mind.
Sqaishey walked over to me, she knew what was wrong, she put a hand on my back and gazed up at me,
"We'll find her. She'll turn up eventually." She assured me,
"I got her into this mess! I need to get her out of it! How come she ended up alone?" I cried,
"Because she's dead." The microphone spoke,
My eyes widened, what?!
Everyone stood up and looked to the speaker,
"Nicole was killed. Murdered. By one of you."
My mouth dropped. My eyes widened.
Everyone glared at each other.
The lights flickered three times.
But I didn't notice it.
The only thing that I was focused on was the one fact that my girlfriend was dead, and that someone here killed her.

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