8: Dominance

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I sat outside the door of the room that Tom was in.
"Hey Tom." I whispered,
"Hi Nets.." he replied,
"how are you keeping up?" I asked him,
He gave out a sigh, "I think this is it."
"No Tom." I assured him. "We are gonna find out who's behind this and I'm going to get you out of there!"
"Netty it's too late for me- you've gotta save yourself." Tom said.
The lights flickered three times..
Just a dream.. just a dream.. wake up wake up..
"It's not just a dream." The speaker interrupted my thoughts.
"You have been put under very powerful medication- dying will feel real and painful. You can't simply wake up you have been sedated into a shared dream with some other people- killing yourself would be incredibly painful. There is, however a possibility that you will never wake up. This dream could become your new reality."
I looked again at the door where Tom was.
"Tom did you hear that?"
No response.
"Good bye Netty." He breathed.
"No! No Tom-"
"Nets.. I'm starving, I'm thirsty. You heard what they said.. I'm gonna wake up.. let me wake up."
"Tom.. please I... I.." my eyes started to tense, I didn't want to lose my friend. What if this wasn't a dream?! What if this is all real?!
A tear fell down my face just say it...
"Tom.. I... I love you." I breathed.
But there was no response. I started banging at the door,
"Let me in!" I screamed. Feeling hopeless, the door then, out of the blue, unlocked.
I ran into the room where Tom lay limp on the ground.
I put my hands on his face.
"Tom?! Tom please!" Tears had flooded my eyes,
"Help me Tom.. help me.." I sobbed, crying into his warm chest.

"Amy?!" I yelled
"Amy?!" Sqaishey repeated as we ran out into the hall and around the house. This house was a constant crime scene, and there was no way out.
I noticed Stampy opening his door to check what was going on, I pulled Sqaishey behind a pillar, but I stuck out deliberately so that Stampy could see us kissing- we needed to convince him sometime- we only had about ten hours left- and these ten hours were going fast.
As I ran my fingers through Sqaishey's hair, she ran her hands down my back. Between our kisses I let out murmurs of "I love you." and "let's go to the bedroom." We we're acting now.
I then pulled away, feeling awful but Beth grabbed me by the collar.
"Beth I.. I love you- oh my god!"
I spotted Netty and Tom lying on the ground and ran towards them. Stampy ran over as well. I could see it in his eyes. He had seen us. But I couldn't worry about him now.
"Tom?! Netty?!" I shouted, running over and kneeling down beside them.
"What happened?! What's going on?!" I yelled, Stampy stood watching in the background. He never helped.
Netty raised her head, her eyes were red and drenched with tears.
"G-g-" I began, those eyes told a whole story.
I looked down at Tom.
"Oh Jesus... Oh god.. No no no please no!"
Sqaishey took Netty out of the way, making her a glass of water while I continued to cry over my brother. Stampy leant against the door. Just staring at me.
"Sorry about your brother." He muttered,
I didn't respond.
"This is the bit where you say 'sorry about your girlfriend'" he added, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around. I continued to stay silent, though tears had seeped down my eyes.
"She's a good kisser- good in bed too, but you'd know that after you slept with her."
"Shut up." I muttered,
"You told me that you didn't care about her like that. And now you snog her in front of my eyes." Stampy growled, pulling my collar up to his face.
"I'm not in the mood." I responded. Feeling my world tear apart. "I just lost my brother and you want me to beat the shit out of you and admit that I hate you?! Well I'm not going to! I don't hate you and I never will! But I can't help falling in love with Beth! Now shut up and leave me alone!"
Stampy let me go and I walked back into my room. I was alone. I just buried my head in my hands and cried. I couldn't do this anymore..
Sqaishey was outside the room talking with Netty,
"Beth can I have a word with you." Stampy asked,
"No." Beth responded, "look after your sister." She got up, rubbing Netty's shoulder before walking back into the room with me.
"I hate this.." Beth said, lying down on her bed and looking up to the ceiling. "I hate ignoring him, I hate... Lying to him.."
"What happened to Tom?" I asked her,
"Starvation, over half a week without food and water.. Took its toll."
"We need to find Amy." I muttered,
"Don't put too much on yourself." Beth said, walking over to me and nudging her nose against mine.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked her as she kissed me, "we don't have to pretend here."
"David." She said, "I'm not pretending."
The lights flickered three times.
"Beth-" I said, signalling her to get off me, I stood up and opened the door.
Stampy was sitting on the sofa. Alone.
"Where's Netty?" I asked, sitting beside him.
"She went into her room."
"Didn't know she and Tom were.. that close."
"Didn't know you and Beth were either." Stampy muttered.
I looked up in anger,
"Stampy if you knew the whole story you'd understand." I growled.
"Squid if I knew the whole story everyone would understand. We don't trust you- with you two keeping secrets and suddenly licking the faces off each other."
"Who's 'we'?" I asked him. "Because Stamps we're running out of suspects. When's the last time you saw Amy?"
Stampy turned white. "Hours.." he sighed,
"Where is she?" I asked him. He wouldn't respond.
"Joe where is she?!"

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