The Big Moment: Part 1

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Percy's POV

I closed my eyes for a second, taking in my surroundings.  I listened past the excited chattering of the crowd, and to the rhythmic sound of the waves hitting the shore.  I took calming breaths to steady my racing heart.

The music began to play, and the crowd rose to their feet.  I slowly opened my eyes, taking one last calming deep breath of the salty sea air.  All gazes were directed to the back of the area.  My heart beat in my throat, and I clasped my hands behind my back to stop their shaking.  The first to make it down the isle was a young daughter of Apollo named Evelyn.  She'd grown on both Annabeth and I, and was the obvious choice to be our flower girl.  Her face glowed brighter than the sun as she littered the sand with flower petals.  The girl started to her spot next to the rides maids, but suddenly wheeled around and raced over to me.  Evelyn hugged me tightly, her shoulder barely coming up to my knee.  The guests laughed, and leaned over and hugged the young demigod back.  Then, I shooed her back over to her spot.  She shot me a blinding smile, waved, and skipped over next to Piper, who grabbed her hand. 

I was watching Evelyn for so long that when I looked back at the isle, Annabeth and her father were slowly advancing towards me.  I felt my knees give out slightly, but my mom put a steadying hand on my shoulder.  I covered her small, delicate hand with my large, calloused one, beyond thankful for her presence.  Annabeth was staring directly into my eyes, smiling wider than I'd seen in a very long time.  I would've felt underdressed, with Annabeth wearing what I thought imediantly to be the most beautiful dress in the world, and me in a simple tuxedo, had of not been for the way she was looking at me.  She stared at me with a look of love, nervousness, and hope.  Hope for what was yet to come.  Percy felt the same expression reflected in his own gaze.  A smile grew, and he'd couldn't recall a time he'd ever been happier. 

After what seemed to take both forever and not time at all, Annabeth made it up to where Percy was standing.  The clasped each others hands tightly and shared a look of mutual excitement and nervousness.

"We're getting married!" Annabeth mouthed excitedly at me.

"I know!" I mouthed back, feeling my smile grow impossibly bigger.

What followed was a touching collection of readings from our friends and family that earned a mixture of laughter, tears, and sometimes even both. Finally, it came time for the most important part.

"Do you, Perseus Achilles Jackson, take Annabeth Chase to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, to love in all eternity, and in death and everything that follows?" Sally asked.

"I do."

"Do you, Annabeth Chase, take Perseus Achilles Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, to love in all eternity, and in death and everything that follows?"

Annabeth pretended to think for a moment, then smiled from ear to ear. "I do."

"Well then," Sally started, beaming in pride, her eyes filled with tears. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" I dipped Annabeth, making her shriek, and kissed her to the cheers of everyone in the audience. I straightened, and together Annabeth and I made our way back down the isle and to the dining pavilion, where the reception was being held.

Once our bridesmaids and groomsmen made it back, Piper hugged Annabeth tightly and jumped around in a circle.

"OMG, OMG, YOU JUST GOT MARRIED!" She shrieked, her makeup running down her face from where her tears had fallen. Annabeth just laughed.

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