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Percy's POV

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Zeus shakily stood up.

"Percy Jackson, you are needed at Olympus.  Ten minutes exactly."  The king of the gods flashed him and all of the other Olympians out, including the unconscious Ares and Artemis.  I looked at Annabeth, fears rising in my throat.  Aéras went back into her tattoo form, causing another gasp from the crowd as they watched my Pegasus turn into a ball of light and disappear inside my body.

"Should we go to-"

"Yeah." Annabeth interrupted.  I grasped her hand and we walked out of the arena and to my cabin, no one moving a muscle to stop us.

We barely had time to close the door and sit down when a frantic knocking echoed through the room.

"Hey, let us in!" Piper shouted.  I looked at Annabeth who shrugged and got up to open the  door.  As soon as it swung open, Piper, Jason, Nico, Will, Leo, and Calypso entered, Calypso closing the door behind her.

"What the hell was that?" Jason demanded.  I looked down at the floor and shrugged. 

"Did you..." Calypso paused. "Did you kill them?"

"No," I mumbled, suddenly ashamed. My gaze moved to the ground.  "They're just knocked out.  They'll be fine."  Will slowly approached and put two fingers under my chin, lifting my face to meet his.

"Hey, we're not mad at you, just a little confused.  Now, let me treat you wounds."  I nodded and let Will feed me some ambrosia and nectar, but my gaze stayed on the floor.  Jason sat down and everyone followed his lead.

"We've been so busy with the wedding and all that we never got the full story about the Underworld, and I'm pretty sure we missed quite a bit."  He said.  "And for that, we should be sorry."

"I don't think I have the time to tell you guys everything.  I mean, I have less than 10 minutes before my execution."  This was met with many cries of denial as everyone tried to convince me that was not what was going to happen. 

"Hey, for all we know, they could be recruiting you to be a new god!  You can be the god of sassiness and bad puns or something!"  Leo exclaimed, trying to keep the mood up and cheer me up.  I just stared at him, a look so much lacking of hope that he had to look away.  I thought of the irony of the whole situation, being the most hopeful I ever had been just yesterday, and loosing it all today. 

Annabeth, who had been trying to keep herself together the entire time, suddenly lost it, clinging to me like I was her lifeline, sobbing her heart out.  I hugged her back, and felt tears fall down my cheeks, as I watched the same happen to everyone else in the room.

There was a quiet knock at the door and Nico, seeing that Annabeth and I were too compromised to go get it, answered it.  On the other side of the doorway was Chrion, his eyes puffy and bloodshot.  He looked through the door and met my tearful eyes.

"Percy," He sniffled.  "It's time."

• • •

As I walked into the doors of the God's palace with Annabeth by my side, I tried to keep my head up, for her sake.  She clung to my hand so tightly, I was probably loosing circulation, but I gripped onto her with the same ferocity.  When we entered, the gods were still in turmoil. 

"So are you saying you want to get overthrown?" Hera shrieked.

"No, if you would only listen, what I'm saying is that it is not wise to kill the boy!" Athena argued.  Annabeth squeezed my hand hopefully, but I was too terrified to even acknowledge her.

Percy Jackson and the Saviors of TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now