Responsibilities: Part 1

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Jenna's POV

We hit our first obstacle immediately.

"How do we get where we're supposed to go?" Annabeth asked, following Percy's lead and standing.

"Good question."  Percy turned his amulet over in his hand.  "Maybe if we-" he began to disappear, fading in a sea-green light. 

"Wait!" Alex called, and Percy's form solidified. 


"Whatever you were doing, it was working.  I don't want you disappearing on us before you tell us how you did it."  Alex said.  By this time, everyone was standing in a circle in the center of the room.

Percy frowned.  "I don't know, I kinda just held onto it and thought about going to the heart."  I could hear the fear in his voice when he mentioned the heart, and I wondered how bad it must've been to leave Percy and Annabeth still terrified years later.

"How do we all go together?" Neo wondered, and Alex shrugged.

"Maybe if we all hold hands?"  Everyone grasped hands except Percy, who had Annabeth in one hand and his amulet in the other. 

He had just closed his eyes when Annabeth said, "Wait!"

Percy opened his eyes.  "What is it this time?"

Annabeth frowned.  "Is it really a good idea to start with the heart?  That's the center of Tartarus and the most terrifying part.  Maybe we should work our way to that?"  Neither of the couple did a good job disguising the relief on their face when Alex agreed.  Percy let his amulet fall back on his chest and grabbed Alex's free hand.  Neo let go of my hand and grabbed onto his amulet. 

His eyes were only closed for a second before they sprang back open. 

"I see two places." He said, mainly to Percy.  "They're similar, but definitely different places."

Annabeth responded, her gray eyes bright.  "You have the legs right?  Well, there are two legs, so you might have to go to both.  Jenna will probably have to go to both arms."  He nodded and closed his eyes again. 

The first thing I noticed was the light filling the room.  I felt my feet begin to tingle like they were waking up after falling asleep, and I looked down to see them slowly being engulfed by the light.  I looked to the others in the group and saw the same thing beginning to happen to them.  The feeling spread to the rest of my body, then I was falling.

• • •

The landscape in the leg of Tartarus was immensely different than where we resided. The ground was a murky red and looked almost sinewy. I could only see a few monsters wandering around, and they didn't seem to notice our presence. Shame.

Neo frowned. "So, do I just-" he dropped his amulet, and as soon as it hit the ground a circle of bright light rippled from it. It continued to spread until I could no longer see it. The amulet pulsed with a bright light. While everyone else was watching the ground, I looked up to see that the light had seemingly attracted the attention of the few monsters in the distance, and they were quickly making their way towards us

"Guys," I said, directing their attention to the approaching monsters. As I looked around, I noticed more monsters approaching from every direction. It wasn't an overwhelming amount, but it was enough to make Neo turn pale.

"I'm supposed to do this alone? Every day?"

Percy laughed and punched his shoulder playfully. "C'mon, really? You fought so well against Jenna!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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