A New Day

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Neo's POV

As I approached consciousness, I immediately noticed something was off. I stayed still on my bed, eyes closed, as the events that had occurred came flooding back into my mind. Was I really part primordial now?

I was about to get up and figure out what had happened when I remembered why I had woken up in the first place. The room was filled with a powerful, almost frightening aura. Although all of the auras were all powerful, I sensed one that was much stronger than the rest. For a moment, I wondered if Zeus had decided to make an appearance, before realizing that not even Zeus was quite so powerful. Slowly, almost scared, I opened my eyes. I imminently spotted Alex sprawled out near me, and Jenna close to him. They were both still fast asleep, their chests rising and falling steadily. Their hearts were beating at a normal rate and- wait, how did I know that? I realized that my newly-improved powers from Apollo had probably given me advanced medical knowledge. Sick.  Actually no, not sick.  Healthy, really.

Once again pulling myself back on track, stupid demigod ADHD, I continued surveying the room. Then, my eyes fell on Percy and Annabeth. They were curled up next to each other, also asleep. That seemed to be the direction the powerful aura was radiating from. When I didn't see anything suspicious, I decided to walk over and investigate. It probably wasn't the best decision, but my new powers were making me overconfident. I made sure my feet didn't make a sound as I walked, although I knew the others wouldn't be up for a while. I looked around for anything suspicious, but once again found nothing. That was when it hit me. It wasn't a god I felt the presence of. It was Percy.

He'd always had a very strong aura for a demigod, but with the addition of the new powers it was crazy powerful. I assumed that because he recieved the heart of Tartarus, his powers were stronger.  He seemed the closest to waking up, although it would probably be a while.

I was making my way back to my bed to sit and contemplate life when I tripped.  I looked down to see that I had fallen over my shoe, the sole having completely separated.  I was about to try to fix them when I remembered one of the things I should supposedly have been capable of.  Calling things down from the mortal world.  I decided to try and summon my old favorite outfit.  When I closed my eyes, I could still picture it vividly.  A yellow and orange striped shirt with jeans, my trusty old sneakers.  When I opened my eyes, the outfit was neatly folded on my bed.  Not even bothering to go to the bathroom, I changed into the clothes.  Looking down, I was filled with nostalgia for my old life. 

I was still reminiscing when something shiny caught my eye.  I looked over to find a pair of shining celestial bronze dual knives. They were the most beautiful weapons I'd ever seen, simplistic yet impactful. I picked one up wonderingly. It was the perfect size and weight, and the handle felt like it was made for my hand. There seemed to be power radiating from the blades.

Looking around, I found similarly powerful weapons next to each person. Alex had a long bronze staff with hints of gold; Jenna's bracelet was now celestial bronze; Percy's sword was next to his bed and looked pretty similar, but there were no more nicks and scratches; and there was a celestial bronze dagger next to Annabeth's pillow.

After thoroughly examining my weapons some more, I decided I was tired of figuring everything out alone. Somehow knowing what I needed to do, I held out my hand to Alex. A ball of light extended from my hand towards Alex and absorbed into his torso. I did the same to the rest of the demigods, and in a few minutes they were all beginning to rouse. Percy was the first to wake. I knew he was awake because of my Apollo powers, but physically there was no difference. I could tell he was taking in his surroundings, but after a few seconds I got bored of waiting.

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