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Annabeth's POV

I thrashed against the guard's hold, fighting like my life depended on it.  Then I heard the crack of electricity. 

"No!" I screeched, and my fighting became more desperate.  Then I heard another hit from the master bolt.  A million questions raced into my head.  Was he dead and they were just playing with his body?  Did he somehow withstand the force of the bolt?  Was there a chance he was still alive?  The guards hold on me loosened, and I fought with all of my might.  Just as I freed myself, I heard a large crack and the sound of several people screaming in fear.  I raced into the throne room to find a large crack in the floor just mending itself.

"Percy!" I shrieked, in a complete panic.  I was pretty sure I knew where he went, but I didn't want to say it, for fear that saying it would somehow make it true.  "Where's Percy?" I cried.  Hades averted his eyes and mumbled something I couldn't hear.  "What?"

"Tartarus."  I sank to my knees in defeat, my heart aching like it had physically broken. 

"No."  I whispered.  "No, no, no, no, no.  This can't be happening.  Why didn't you just kill him?"

"Wouldn't you prefer him alive?" Demeter questioned.  I slowly shook my head. 

"No, not there.  Never there."  I shook with grief, no not even grief.  I shook with agony.

"Annabeth," Athena started.

"No," I cut her off.  "Not you.  This is all your fault.  If you hadn't sent him on those quests, then he wouldn't have gotten so powerful, and then you wouldn't have just killed him for no reason!  I hate you.  I hate you!  I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU."  I fell to the ground completely and sobs wracked my body.  I clutched my engagement ring to my heart, and just laid there.  I heard the sound of someone whispering, then the movement of many pairs of feet, but I was too broken to care. 

"Anna- daughter," Athena corrected herself.  "I think I need to give you an explanation."  She reached towards me but I moved away.  She frowned, then sat down on the floor next to me.  I moved to face her and found the rest of the room empty.  "Annabeth, there's a reason I sent Percy on all of those quests.  Of course, part of it was to make sure he was good enough for you, but I think we both know he was."

"Is." I said.


"Is.  He's still alive." Athena sighed.

"Sorry, we know he is.  The other reason is that there is an evil rising.  A force more than we've ever fought, and more than we can comprehend.  I believed that Percy was, is, our best chance of beating it.  I tried to make him as powerful as possible without cluing him into what was really going on.  Obviously my plan worked, better than expected even.  Only I know about this, the others are denying the information that's right in front of their eyes!  Those idiots just threw out our best chance at surviving."  Athena sighed again.  I moved closer to her.

"Now what?"  I whispered.

"I... I don't know."  I looked at the goddess with surprise. 

"You don't know?"

"No, I really don't.  I just ruined my favorite daughter's life, and the rest of the world's lives as well."  I watched in awe as a tear slipped down her cheek.  I couldn't remember ever seeing a god, much less her, cry before.  I leaned my head on her shoulder and she stiffened in surprise.  I was a split second from getting back up when she relaxed and put her head on mine, and we both grieved together, mother and daughter.  I jumped when someone cleared their throat, sounding almost scared.  I looked up to find one of the last people I would ever expect.  Aphrodite.  She had her hands clasped in front of her and was fidgeting with her fingers nervously.  She averted her gaze.  

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