Chapter 5: Time is Running Out

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The young priest eyes widened when he felt a strange power, even if it was for split second. Assassin also felt it and narrowed her eyes at the sky. She wasn't liking what she felt.
"Gather the others. We need to confirm something." He said and she nodded, as they walked back into the church.

- Yggdmillennia -

"Attentiiiooonnnn, Everyone!!!" Astolfo cheers happily as he pointed up.
Everyone looked at him confused and others gave him weird looks.
"(Claps hands together) We were summoned and all that, so let's introduce ourselves!! We're all on the same side, right? So like, you know! Knowing each other's real names would make things smoother! I'll go first! Name's Astolfo! I'm one of Charlemagne's paladins. Now I'm a Rider-Class. Pleasure to meet you!!" Astolfo gave everyone a closed I grin after he finished introducing himself.
He then ran up to Chiron, at his face. Chiron leaned back a bit because he was a bit to close.
"Who're you?" Astolfo said cheerfully.
Chiron looked over to his master, a young girl with brown long hair, blue eyes, and was on a wheelchair. Her name is Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia. She nodded and gave him permission to reveal his true name. With that, he turned back to Astolfo and smiles.
"Servant Archer, Chiron." Chiron placed his hand on his chest and introduced himself.
" Nice to meet you!! (Twirls over to Frankenstien) You next!" He said and she gave him a grunt of annoyance and turned her head the other way.
Astolfo looked at her confused then looked over to her master, Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia.
"Hey, what's her real name?" He asked as Caules went "eh?!" And then ran over him with sparkles in his eyes.
"Pretty Please, with a cherry on top!!" He said.
Caules was flustered and ended up revealing her true name.
"F-Frankenstein...." Caules said.
"Hi, Fran!!" Astolfo grins and turns to her.
"Grrrrr!!" She growled angrily, furious that her name was revealed.
"S-Sorry!! I didn't mean to upset you!!" He waved his hands frantically then turned to Seigfried as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "What about you?" He asked him.
"I'm----!!" Unfortunately Siegfried wasn't able to say it.
"Stop! Saber, don't tell them anything." Siegfried's Master, Gordes, said.
"We've agreed to reveal their true names." Astolfo's master, said annoyed.
"I didn't agree to anything." He said as he turned to her, "The fewer people who know, the better." He said, clearly annoyed.
Everyone stayed silent until Fiore spoke.
"What do you think, Grandfather?" She asked.
Darnic looked down at Gordes, who flinched a bit.
"Very well, Gordes. You may, but the responsibility is yours." Darnic said.
"Of course." Gordes smirked.
"The war begins now. We shall use our overwhelming might to annihilate the servants of Red. Proud champions! I expect great deeds of you! My name is Vlad Tepes. For our country and our ambition, I vow to grasp victory." Vlad spoke and stood from his throne, and the servants bowed to him.
Darnic watched and listen.
"However......." Vlad spoke and everyone looked at him confused.
He turned to Darnic.
"I believe you should know this. It was only for a mere second, but it was enough for me to confirm it." Vlad spoke.
All the servants gasped when they realized what he was talking about, after all, they felt it also.
"Originally in a war like this, one Ruler is called forth by the Greater Grail to oversee the war. However....all of us sensed it. A second Ruler as been called forth." Vlad said.
"What?!" Darnic said, shocked.
"Unfortunately, that mere second wasn't enough for me to locate where this person is. But I was able to confirm their gender. A woman." Vlad said.
"Grandfather, does that mean that one is our ally?" Caules said.
Darnic stayed silent.
"In one month, we will make our move. And find this Second Ruler." Darnic said with a cold tone.

- Graveyard-

Sisigou was stunned and watched as the armor Mordred had turned to glowing red dust, and was replaced with a crimson tank top, and warrior maiden skirt, with red tights. He smiles and decided to introduce himself.
"I'm Sisigou Kairi, your master. Nice to meet you." He smiles and extends his hand to shake hands with her.
Mordred ignored it and looked around, displeased by the place he had chosen to summon her.
"You didn't pick the most chipper place to summon me. Are you a necromancer or something?" She said in disbelief.
Sisigou retracted his hand back.
"That I am." He chuckled, "I've spent my youth surrounded with corpses. I'm a bit surprised that King Arthur's reported son Mordred turned out to be a woma---!!" He was saying but her eyes turned red as she pointed her sword at his throat, sending a powerful shock wave, clearly pissed.
"Hey, hey.. Let's not be hasty.." he said as a bead of sweat, running down his cheek.
"Next time you call me a woman...I'll use your throat as a sheath." She said lowly, her eyes screamed murder.
"Apologies. It won't happen again." He raised his hands up.
"Good." She said and removed her sword from him.
She then turns to where the shard that was used as a catalyst to summon her.
"Tch!" She said through her teeth, annoyed and swung her sword at it, destroying it.
"Ah, what a waste." Sisigou said as he scratched his head.
"Good riddance!!" Mordred said as she held her sword behind her.
"Maybe it was rude to use that to summon the Knight of Treason." He said.
"Don't take me for one of those Round Table invertebrates! I'm the King of Knight's one true and worthy heir." She said pissed as she turned to him.
"Yet you rebelled." He said, and placed his hands on his hips.
"He never considered me more than a servant. Never appreciated my skills or anything. Also, it's his damn fault The Mage of Dimensions and Life died!! So I showed him. Look what at what your reign's worth!!" She yelled furiously at the broken fragment and stomped on it.
"So you want to use the Grail and become king?" He asked her as he watches her walk past him.
"The Grail giving me the throne would be meaningless. I want to try to pull out the Choosing Sword just as the King of Knights did. That's all." Mordred said as they walked down the path of the graveyard to leave.
"Try to?" Sisigou asked, confused.
"Yeah! Obviously success is guaranteed." She smirked.
Sisigou stayed silent but grins at her. She stops and turns to him, with a annoyed look.
"What?" She said.
"I guess you might even pull it off." He said and extended his hand towards her again, while she gave him a confused look.
"Nice to have to have you on board, Mordred." He grins.
She smiles at him and raised her hand.
"Let's do this, Master!" And slapped his hand with a grin.
Sisigou shook his hand because the force she used was a little to much.
"So, where's the enemy?!" She said as she looked behind her.
"Slow down. We first have to stop by the church." He said.
"The church?!" She said in disbelief.
"Yeah. It's time to confess to our good priest." He said and she just gave him a confused look.
"Also, you mention the Magus of Dimensions and Life. Who is that?" Sisigou asked.
It was his first time hearing of such person. He's heard of the Magus of Flowers, but Magus of Dimensions and Life? Mordred stayed silent as she clench her fist.
"Unbelievable......that witch went as far as to erase her history completely....." she growled.
She looked up to him coldly, making him back away a bit.
"That Legendary Great Magus of Dimensions and Life....Her name was well known throughout the earth and also in the age of the Gods. Through time and space. Every one thousand years, that power is passed on to a new chosen one. They can be male or female, as long as they produce a heir. But....the last one....was killed..and that power was think that witch even went as to erase her existence from history!!!!" Mordred said furiously.
"Was she....close to to you?" Sisigou asked.
"She....was my Father's twin sister...and the one person...who truly did care for me..." she gritted her teeth, and clutch the necklace on her chest.
"So King Arthur had a sister....I'm sorry.." He said.
"It's alright....but....I don't know if you felt it...but...It was just a second..but it was enough, that she is in this time." Mordred grins.
But was sucked was that she couldn't get the location.

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