Chapter 7: Master

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Shirou Emiya has seen many things. All his years he's never met a master that is....what's the word....oh right...A COMPLETE IDIOT!!! Funuka Hayori. That is her name. A god damn rouge class healer Magi that is a complete reckless idiot, and strangely reminds him of Rin when it comes to information gathering. Currently, he was in his spirit form along with others. Funuka was walking through the deep unknown part of the woods and in enemy territory. And she shouldn't even be moving around, especially after what happened to her.
"Funuka dear, where are we going?" Ruby asked.
Funuka did a side glance at her then forward.
"We're going to a underground black market." She smirked.
"WHAT?!" Cleopatra and Ruby screeched while the men raised an eyebrow.
"Ahaha!! I'm joking! We're actually going to a mansion about 30 more minutes from here, It's where my uncle lives. He's a Magus and can help us. We're almost out of Trifas. Come on." She grins and continues walking.
Emiya can tell, she was hiding that she was in pain. As they continued to walk, the reached a huge opened grass field. At first, the servants were confused but then they saw her lightly tapped in the air and a barrier showed. Their eyes widened and a grin broke on her face.
"UNCLE SOLOMON!!!" She suddenly yells into the barrier.
A few seconds of silence then a doorway opens. The others were shocked and she smirked and walks in. As they walked down the garden, they see a flash of blue tackle Funuka and jump at her chest.
"Funu-one-chan!!!" Aladdin squeals as Funuka dropped to the ground giggling.
"Fou, kyu,kyu!!" Fou said and jumps around happily.
"How's my blue blob?! I missed you!!" Funuka hugged him.

"Welcome home!!"

She looks up and sees Sheba walking towards her then notices her stomach.
"You're pregnant?!" She yells and Sheba grins and nodded.
"Yup. Come on. Solomon is waiting for you. He got a call from Irisviel and not happy. Also, no need to hide!! I sense you Archer, Berserker, and Assassins!!" Sheba yells and the servants revealed themselves.
Aladdin looked at them in awe while Funuka had hundreds of beads of sweat running down her face.
"I-I can explain....." she said.
"Oh believe me you do. Also........." the shadows covered Sheba's eyes and Funuka knew, she was doomed.
The males felt a shiver go up their spine and Cleopatra gulped.
Funuka screamed and ran for her life while the others watched in terror.
"Trust me, you don't want to meet mom's scary side." Aladdin shivers.

After all that, they went into the mansion and to a office. Funuka sulked the whole way, after gotten beat up by Sheba. Everyone felt sorry for her and Emiya smirked. That'll teach her a lesson. The reached the office and went in. There, sitting on the couch was Solomon....pissed off. She didn't want to go in tries to run but Emiya got her by her neck collar and threw her in and quickly shut the door on her.
"Archer you traitor!!" Funuka yells as she ran to door.
Solomon sighs.
"I never thought I live to see the day where a family member is part of this bloody war again. What's more that Darnic is after you. His servants almost killing you is a declaration of war between our clans now." Solomon said as he motions her to sit across him.
Funuka looked at him shocked and sat.
"Please wait!! What are you talking about?!" She said.
He narrowed his eyes and clench his fist.
"You will inherit the Emiya and Hayori family crest. And now as the Ruler that will over see the war between the factions of Black and Red. And your servants, and then fighting back, you have declared yourself as their faction that will watch over the servants and only intervene when you must." Solomon said.
Funuka was shocked and didn't know what to say.
"Funuka, did Kiritsugi ever tell you about your family history?" He asked.
She shook her head. She knows that her Uncle used to work for the Emiya Clan, which is why he was called Kiritsugi Emiya. He didn't have have a last name so magis themselves put that last name on him. Then there is her clan. The Hayori Clan, spilt into two separate clans. She comes from the Half that are non Magus and Illya, Kuro, Miyu and Irisviel come from the side that was Magus. So, how is she, from the non Magus side a Magi?
"Then what about the journal?" He asked.
"Well......" she summons the journal in her hands, "it only let's me read up to a certain point. The rest of the book is locked with a magic seal." She explains.
She opens the book up to the middle and from there, the pages are blank but in reality, a Magic seal is keeping her from reading more. Solomon sighs and shakes his head.
"Trust me, even I can't break that seal even if I wanted to. I know this a lot for you to take in." Solomon said as he handed her back the book.

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