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The brunette sat quietly at the back of the large classroom. His scrawny leg bouncing up and down with anticipation.
He always hated this class and he always will.

Why you may ask?

Because it was a class with his dearly "beloved" bully Brendon.

The Bambi eyed boys head shot up as soon as he heard the old school door start to creak open.

He bit his bottom lip, and hoped to whatever God there was that whoever came through the door it was anyone but him.

He cocked his head to the side as he saw one foot step in and then a other.

Whoever it was he didn't even have to look at the rest of the persons body to to know it wasn't Brendon.

He would never wear black boots. He was more of a vans guy.

Thank god Tyler thought as he felt himself becoming less tense.

"Hello are you the new student, I believe Joshua Dun is what they said your name was?"

Tyler heard Mr.Wilson, his science teacher speak.

"Yeah, and I prefer Josh just so you know for future reference" Josh replied with a bit of sass.

"Hmm okay well, Josh one of your fellow classmates isn't here today so you will sit in his seat behind Tyler Joesph"

Tyler quickly looked up at the mention of his name. He was only watching the door to see if his bully was there to rain on his parade. So once he got his information and the class was full he felt no need to pay attention as he started drawing in his sketchbook.

He smiled a shy and awkward smile as he observed Josh.

He wore black boots, a black choker, black torn jeans, and a black hoodie with a interesting art design.

Tyler thought it was quite odd for this Josh character to top off the whole look with bright yellow hair. Not that it looked bad on the hazel eyed boy.

If anything Josh was definitely dreamy Tyler couldn't not admit that, it was a clear fact. He had every girl making heart eyes at him.

Tyler blushed slightly as Josh walked by him and smirked taking a seat behind the brunette.

He seemed quite intimidating.

Tyler didn't do intimidating.


A/n: I'm very excited about this. I have mostly everything planned out for this story so if u stick around you wont regret it.

Take care - Galriel❣️

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