Staring & Blushing

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Once Josh was situated Mr.Wilson started the lesson.

Tyler was sure it was just him being paranoid, but he swore he could feel Josh staring at him.

A couple minutes passed and the shy boy finally decided to turn around.

Just a quick peek Tyler thought.

So that's what he did. The brunette turned his head and automatically locked eyes with beautiful hazel ones.

Tyler froze but Josh seemed completely fine with the whole staring contest.

Then after what felt like
hours ( it was only a couple seconds) Josh finally did something.

He winked.

Tyler quickly turned back around and though he wouldn't want to admit it he was blushing.

So that's how the rest of class went. Tyler feeling Josh staring at him. Josh actually staring at him and when Tyler turned to look at him he would bite his lip, smirk, or wink.

Flustering the boy even more then he was.

The bell rang letting all the bored students know it was time to go to 3rd period.

Tyler rose to leave when he felt someone grab his wrist.

"Hey know where Mrs.Smiths class is?" The yellow haired boy asked.

Tyler looked down and shook his head. "Y-yeah I have h-her right n-now to"

Josh smiled at that I mean he smiled. Tyler waved his hand for Josh to follow him and he did.


A/n: This so short and Josh sounds kinda creepy lmao sorry - Galriel

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