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Tyler just got home.

Finally he thought, he was so tired it should be illegal.

He flopped down on his bed. He smiled contently at the softness of his blankets an pillows.

As he felt sleep over coming him his phone dinged.

Letting him know he got a text.

Tyler groaned way louder then necessary. Whoever bugged him will be sorry.

The lazy brunette turned his phone on only to see a unknown number.

unknown: hey, just wanted to see what you were up to this is josh btw:)

All of Tyler's grumpiness faded away once he realized who texted.

Gosh he only knew this yellow haired punk for a day, and he was already smitten.

Ty: oh hey, nothing much just tired i was almost asleep before someone bothered me :(

Josh: wow your sassy in text aren't you? anyway sorry angel i'll let you get your beauty sleep. text me when you wake up, if you want.

Ty: not sassy just tired and texting is easier then the whole face to face thing. and i will text you later thank you for letting me rest :)

Tyler will never get use to the names Josh called him.


He definitely knew how to make him blush.

Tyler plugged his phone in to charge and changed into his pajamas.

After a couple minutes of laying down, he knocked

Of course dreaming about Josh and his bright hair and tantalizing eyes.


a/n: i can't stop writing idk anyway this was kinda a filler thing but hope you liked it -galriel🖤

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