3rd period

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As the two walked down the crowded hall. Josh watched the way Tyler's hips swayed with each step. His yellow crop top complimenting his skin tone perfectly.

"Take a picture it'll l-last longer" The brunette spoke.

Josh was surprised by the boys sudden burst of confidence even if he did stutter on one word. He sounded different from the shy boy who couldn't even hold eye contact.

"Maybe I will take u up on that offer" Josh spoke calmly.

Tyler could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Uh y-yeah I, okay w-we're h-here" Tyler muttered flustered by the yellow haired boys response.

As they entered their 3rd period class Tyler scurried off to sit in the back corner. Leaving Josh at the front of the classroom.

"Excuse me Mrs.Brooks? Im new here and I was wondering where should I sit?"

The teacher turned around eyed him up and down then turned back to the whiteboard.

"Sit anywhere you like"

Josh walked around the room as if Tyler didn't already know he was gonna seat next to him. 

The Bambi eyed boy watched as Josh walked around different desks tapping his chin. Pretending to be deep in thought.

He suddenly made a oh! face as he stood near the seat next to Tyler and sat down.

They both sat in silence as the class filled with students like bees to a hive.

"Okay class today we are going to start a new project" Mrs.Brooks started.

The whole class groaned.

She rolled her eyes.

"Now don't start with that, you are all very smart kids that's why I push you. Now it will be on the book we just read. I want you to make a PowerPoint with your partner and a short essay on what the true meaning of it was" she looked around the class making sure everyone understood.

"With that being said, yes, you will need a partner chose wisely"

Mrs.Brooks sat back down at her desk and pointed to what was written on the board.

Get with a partner and work on the project rest of class

Tyler looked around pretending he actually knew anybody willing to be his partner.

Josh sat there eyeing him.

Everyone was already in pairs so that just left them two.

"Well looks like your stuck with me angel"

Tyler almost choked as soon as he heard what Josh called him.

His cheeks turned to the shade of apples.

"Y-yeah I s-suppose so"

Josh smirked seeing the affect the name had on the tanned beauty.

He decided this project thing could be fun after all.

Not that Josh would let anybody know but he was a straight A student, one of the smartest kids at his old school.

He had no problem doing the whole project by himself. He already knew everything about the book.

But seeing the boy next to him blush was worth a bit of slacking off.

See, Josh has only been at Ohio High for a day, hell less then half a day.

And he already knew Tyler was the most beautiful person in the whole damned place.

Possibly the whole world, who knows.

But one thing was for sure he definitely caught Josh's eye.


I feel like this is so sucky maybe it is idk - Galriel

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