A girl and her bodyguards.

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"I don't know. I think you'd look good in that dress" Sun said smiling.
"D-don't be silly. It's not my style. Besides, it's far too expensive for me"  Lillie responded.
"Maybe if you didn't waste all your money on repels..." Sun muttered.
"What was that?" Lillie asked him
"N-nothing! If you don't want to buy it then that's fine!" Sun said trying to change the subject.


Lillie waved goodbye to Hau, Kukui and Suns mother as she walked away from the house.
As she walked towards Hau'oli city she giggled to herself. She thought back to when she first set off on her journey through the kanto region. She was nervous and scared for those first few days.
She was much mor confident now however. She new the Alola region well since she had already traveled through it 2 years ago. Some locations had faded after those 2 long years away but the key places were skill there.

Lillie looked up when she heard the sounds of foot steps. In front of her stood three men. They wore dark colours but what really caught her attention were their eyes. The men were not even looking at her. Their eyes were blank and lifeless.
Lillie quickly stepped back and reached behind her but the men had already thrown out their own Pokemon. Three Rockruffs slowly began to advance towards her. Each of them had the same empty eyes.
As Lillie backed up further she accidentally tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. The Rockruffs advanced before pouncing on her. The helpless girl covered her face and waited for the attack.

"Shadow ball!" Voice called out. Lillie opened her eyes just in time to witness a Shadow ball make contact with the trio of Rockruffs. The three rock types were blasted Away but quickly jumped back up.
An Umbreon landed in front of Lillie. It glared at its opponents.
"Picking on a defenceless girl. That ain't cool" the same voice from a moment ago said. A tall boy stood next to the Umbreon. He had orange spiky hair. And a sleeveless, black shirt.
"Hey pal wanna give me a hand?" He asked to a second figure. A mother boy with a white and red shirt. The second boy didn't say a word but the Pikachu sitting on his shoulder jumped down to join the Umbreon.

The theee men quickly withdrew their Pokémon and ran away.
"Well that was disappointing..." the orange haired boy muttered "I was actually hoping for a bit of fun"
The other boy rolled his eyes and gently punched the orange haired boys shoulder.
"Huh?" He asked before looking at Lillie. "Oh!" He quickly ran over to her before offering her a hand "sorry about that" he smiled.
Lillie took his hand and he pulled her up. "Did you know those creeps?" He asked her.
Lillie shook her head "I've never met them before in my life"
The two boys exchanged a look before returning their gaze to her. "Who are you anyway?" The oranges haired boy asked.
"L-Lillie" she said. "And you?"
The boy grinned "just call me Blue" he pointed to his companion "and that there's Red"
"..." Red just stood there.


The young man painted heavily. The jellyfish like entity hovered next to him.
"Sloppy..." he muttered looking down at a bracelet that was strapped to his arm. Remnants of a now shattered crystal littered the ground below him.
"Nihilego...I'm going to need a new one..." he said stroking the jellyfish.

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