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When we get home, we start sorting out all of the random crap all over the house.
We push around furniture, unpack boxes, hang up clothes, put away all the plates and kitchen stuff and put away all of our bathroom stuff.

"Butters, can you check to see if there's an attic?" Mom asks, unlocking the cupboard under the stairs to see if it's a staircase to the basement.

"Sure." I say, already halfway up the stairs.

I check the ceilings in each room for a trap door, finally finding it in my bedroom. I try to jump up and reach it, but I'm way too short.

"I found it!" I shout down the stairs.

"Really? Phew. The basement is full of cobwebs and there's a couple of mice mating in the corner."

"Gross." I chuckle to myself.

Mom comes up the stairs after a second. She tries to reach the trap door herself but she's also tiny, just like me.
Instead, she grabs a coat hanger and tries to hook it onto the trap door. After the fourth attempt she finally manages it and pulls the trapdoor open. A long ladder unfolds itself and almost reaches the floor.

"Hey, Butters! You could have your own little hangout spot for you and your little friends," mom smiles. "We could make it look nice and have some beanbags or something."

"That sounds great!" I quickly hug her, loving the idea. "Are you sure? I don't want you spending too much money on me..."

Mom ruffles my hair, "of course I'm fine with it. I wouldn't suggest it if I wasn't okay with it."

She starts climbing up the ladder, gripping onto it so tightly her knuckles turn white. She wobbles a little, her heels not appropriate footwear for ladder climbing.

"Mom, come down or you'll hurt yourself."

"I'll be fine butters." She says, almost into the attic.

I bite my lip as she slowly climbs into the attic. She disappears into the darkness and for a second I worry that some unseen ghost or demon is going to grab her, but then I remember that ghosts and demons don't exist and that's just crazy talk.

I follow her up, still slightly concerned about the demons and the ghosts, but more concerned about gross things like spiders and bats being up there.
Once I get into the attic, I take my phone out of my pocket and use the torch to have a look around.

Luckily, there are no bats swooping around, but there are giant cobwebs on the rafters. I shudder, imagining giant spiders creating them before we arrived.
Someone's drawn little stick figures on the dusty walls. It's as if they're showing a story but through crappy little kindergarten-level doodles.

I look at all of them, despite how bad they are. The first picture shows five people, however once is more of a red blob compared to the others and one is only drawn in orange crayon. Another one's body is orange whilst the head is green, another one has an orange body and a red and blue head and the last one has a purple body and a brown face.
They all have tiny smiley faces on them.

The second picture is almost exactly the same, except the orange guy is saying "want 2 hang out?" to the purple dude, who has a large, badly drawn grin on his face.

The third picture shows a square house with the two inside. The purple guy is smiling but the orange dude has his tongue sticking out (is he licking his lips?) and there's a speech bubble pointing to his chest saying "rumble". I assume this means that he's hungry, although his heart could be rumbling for all I know.

The fourth picture shows the orange guy holding a large knife and the purple guy has a terrified expression.
I start to feel slightly uneasy by this point, even though these drawings are very old and most likely made up by some weird kid.

The fifth picture shows the orange dude licking his lips, again I had to assume, while he looks at a plate of red squares. There's an arrow pointing to it saying 'Token'. Is this a type of food?

The sixth picture is the same as the first, but the purple guy is gone.

"We'll paint over that," mom says, pointing to the ugly crayon drawings. "If you want to make it into your own little space. Come on, let's get those boxes up here before we forget. Do you mind going first so you can help me down?"

I take one last look at the weird drawings before climbing down the ladder.

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