Randy orton Imagine

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I thought working at the WWE would be such a great experience, and it was until I started dating Randy Orton. Everything was fine at the beginning he was sweet, understanding and a great lover but now he's turned into some possessive maniac. I can't talk to any of my male co-workers without him having a huge fit and we end up in a huge-ass argument, like the one we're having now ugh this is becoming overwhelming.

"Are you even listening to a word I just said?" Randy yelled pacing in front of me, obviously still upset.

"Oh god Randy for the fifth time, me and Roman were only talking cause he needs a partner for his mixed tag team match against the Miz and his wife at the battleground.

"I don't give a damn what he wanted I told you not once, not twice but three times already tonight not to talk to any guys and you keep going behind my back disrespecting me" Randy yelled

"Going behind your back? I am a grown woman, not your child, and certainly not your property, so you need to stop with all of this. I don't try and get upset when you're around here talking and flirting with other divas so you don't come for me"

Randy turned his head slightly with that crazy look in his eyes walking toward me while I backed away from him making as much space between us as possible. My back soon hit the cold wall then he put both his hands up near my head so I had nowhere to run. Before he could do anything a knock at the door stopped him.

"Mr. Orton your match is in 3 minutes" someone yelled on the outside of the door

"I'll be out in a minute" randy responded turning his attention back to me.

"Looks like you've just been saved, stay here I'll deal with you when my match is over," he said kissing me then walking out.

I sat down on the couch pulling out my phone, scrolling on Twitter when my stomach started growling. I got up and walked towards the cafe area and grabbed some fruit and a bottle of water getting ready to walk back to my locker room when I bumped into Jason Jordan and an old friend of mines.

"Hey y/n, how've you been," Jason said hugging me

"Good, how about you?"

"Well you know me I don't complain much but we should hang out sometimes," he said

"I don't see why not but I'll catch up with you later okay"


You walked back to your locker room to see randy sitting on the couch in his wrestling trunks now looking at you.

"I could've sworn I told you not to leave," Randy said with a deep voice

"Relax, I just went to grab something small to eat," I told him biting into a piece of my fruit

"So how do you explain your little chit chat with Jason Jordan?"

How the hell did he know about that? I thought to myself

All of a sudden Randy began laughing darkly.

"You know nothing gets past me baby don't look so shocked," he said

"You and your insecurities are becoming too much," I told him

"So what are you saying y/n," randy says getting out of his chair walking toward me with a sinister look

"Maybe we should take a break" i mumbled so he couldn't hear even though he heard me.

Randy began laughing at me again then pushed me against the wall pinning my hands above my head. Kissing my weak spot on my neck

"If you think for a second that you're going to leave me then you must be out you're damn mind. YOU ARE MINE Y/N!" randy said in a deep chilling voice. Running his hands all over my body then going back to attacking my soft spot.

"R-Randy baby stop," I say trying to push him away and contain my moans.

"Shut your mouth! You think I'ma just let you leave me like that huh so all these other guys can try to have what's mine?" randy asked. Pushing his hand down my shorts.

"Please, not here. We can talk about this when we get home" I pleaded

"No, you think you can deprive me of my sweet pussy and I won't fucking allow it!" He growled

Randy inserted two fingers deep inside me making me gasp for air he put his hand over my mouth to contain the moans trying to erupt out.

"Don't you say a fucking word, damn baby you're getting so wet for me, you like this shit don't you?" He asked biting his lip while speeding up his pace.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head before I could cum randy stopped pulling my shorts and thong down dropping to the floor with them attaching his mouth to my pussy. Slight moans slipped out they were beyond my control.

"Randy ahh, fuck baby please" I moaned trying to push his head away. It did me no good.

"Shut up and cum for me right now!" Randy growled plunging his fingers deeper inside.

In an instant, I released on his hand, gasping for air. He watched me tremble under his gaze standing up slowly kissing each part of my skin as he did.

"You've been a real naughty today baby girl, disobeying me not once but twice, and to make matters worse you try to leave me *chuckles* bend the fuck over" he growled the last part in my ear making me quiver.

Without a second thought, I bend over the arm of the couch in his locker room.  I heard randy groan at the sight of me before delivering a hard slap to my ass causing a moan of pain and pleasure to escape my lips loudly.

"Mmm, you like it when I treat you this way don't you baby?" Randy asked before slapping my ass again

"Uh, yes I love it" I moaned

He spanked me for another five minutes leaving me a mess with tears of pain and pleasure leaking down my face. When I least expected Randy shoved himself deep inside of me with one hand over my mouth and the other gripping my hair delivering the most vicious deep thrusts he could. All my moans and screams were muffled by his big hand as he groaned sexily in my ear while telling me I belonged to him.

"Fuck this I need to hear you"

Randy removed his hand from my mouth flipping me over and entering me again thrusting deeper and faster than before my moans were uncontrollable at that point.

"Fuck! Randy baby please don't stop oh"

"Not until I fill you up sweetheart, you can't leave if you're pregnant now, can you?" He groaned speeding up making his thrust get careless seconds later I felt randy hot cum fill me up then he collapsed on top of me. We both looked into each other eyes trying to catch our breath in silence until he broke it.

"I'm a little jealous I get that but it's only cause I love you and don't wanna see you with any other man you're who I want a future with and you know how hard it is to express my feelings but if it keeps you from leaving then so be it as you can see im willing to go as far as making you the mother of my child and soon enough my wife all to make you stay..... I love you Y/n"

"I love you too" I replied wiping tears from my eyes and kissing his lips

The end 

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